" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

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Archive for October, 2016

Bio 11 Evolution Exam Review

Biology Eleven:    Evolution Exam Review


An almost complete vocabulary list ( check text for extra terms)


Vocabulary Term Your definition and example
accidental selection  
adaptive radiation  
artificial selection  
artificial selection  
directional evolution  
fixity of species  
isolation mechanism  
natural selection  
punctuated equilibrium  


Topic One: Adaptation

  • What are some theories or ideas related to the origins of life?
  • What is the fundamental unit of life and what are the activities of this unit?
  • What is an adaptation?
  • How does an adaptation become favourable?
  • What are examples of different types of adaptations
  • How could observed adaptations be associated with a theory?
  • What happens if a species fails to adapt?


Topic two: The Process of Evolution

  • What is the difference between a process and a mechanism?
  • Why can the term “evolution” be interpreted several ways?
  • How can one observe that a change has occurred?
  • What patterns can be hypothesized with changes in:
  • fossils: what sort of changes can fossils have and how can observations be misleading?
  • embryology: how are embryos associated with family trees?
  • anatomy: What is the significance of homologous and analogous structures and how could they be linked to ideas about convergence and divergence?
  • physiology How are tissue structures and functions related to evolution?
  • biochemistry How are proteins and amino acid sequences associate with DNA and how species are related?


  • What are some possible sources of error with fossil proof?
  • How is the earth’s geography associated with how species change?
  • If species can be proven to change with time, what factors effect that change?
  • What is the principle of convergence and divergence?


Topic Three: Mechanisms of Evolution

  • Why do species change or do they remain the same?
  • How could the process of reproduction be associated with the mechanisms of evolution?
  • Adaptation allows an organism to evolve so what causes an adaptation?
  • Are adaptation inherited through use and disuse?
  • Are adaptations controlled by some form of natural selection?
  • How is speciation related to a mechanism of change?
  • How is the rate of change associated with how an organism adapts?


  • From a scientific point of view, what are some of the weakness of Lamarck’s argument
  • What did Lamarck contribute to evolutionary ideas?


  • What are the five specific points of Darwin’s mechanism of evolution?
  • What is the importance of individual variation within a population?
  • In order for an adaptation to be selected what must occur?
  • What is the importance and or contribution of sexual reproduction in evolution?


  • How could today’s ideas (i.e. genetic influence, symbiotic relationships etc.) be consistent or against Darwin and Lamarck’s ideas?
  • What biological discoveries have contributed to changing the interpretation of evolution?
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 11 Chapter 2 Gap Notes

Biology 11

Mr MBK Carmichael

Name: ____________________ Date; __________ Block: _____


Read pages 60-69. Use the text, sidebars, and illustrations to answer the questions below





How does embryology provide indirect evidence of evolution?


What are homologous structures? Give 3 examples





What is divergence? (aka: divergent evolution)




Give an example of how divergent evolution would produce homologous structures


What are analogous structures? Give an example



What is convergent evolution? (see page 77)


Give an example of how convergent evolution would produce analogous structures



What are vestigial structures? Give 3 examples



What is physiology?


Give an example of how physiology provides indirect evidence for organisms sharing a common ancestor



What is the biochemical evidence that all organisms share a common ancestor?



What is biogeography?




What is extinction?



Describe two theories of why the dinosaurs went extinct


Describe three reasons why the passenger pigeon went extinct
















posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 11 Chapter 3 Gap Notes

Biology 11

Mr Carmichael

Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____



Chapter 3 – Theories to Explain Variation

Read pages 90-104. Use the text, sidebars, and illustrations to answer the questions below:


What is the purpose of scientific theories?


What do the theories of evolution attempt to explain?


Describe the theory of Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck








What is the main contribution of Lamarck to modern evolutionary theory?



Describe the theory of Charles Darwin









What is adaptation?






What are the three main types of adaptation? For each one, give three examples.











What is gradualism?



What is punctuated equilibrium?



Describe two causes of rapid evolution



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Chapter 1-2 Acme Study Guide

Chapter 1-2 Acme Guide

Chapter One:

  1. What is the abiogenesis and who first formulated the hypothesis?
  2. What is the difference between a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell?
  3. What are defining features of a plant cell verses an animal cell?
  4. What size objects are used for electron microscope, compound microscope and dissecting scopes?
  5. What is the cell theory and what does it not discuss?
  6. What structures are found in polysaccharides, lipids and proteins?

Chapter Two

  1. If an adaption was found to be “most desirable” then what advantage would that give to the species that acquired it?
  2. If a population is adapted to it’s environment then what will happen to successive generations?
  3. What three key concepts are found in the definition of adaptation?
  4. Mollusks ( like snails ) and reptiles are found in fossil remains, yet soft flatworms were difficult to find. Why?
  5. What type of evidence are fossils?
  6. How would you estimate how old a fossil is? (2 ways)
  7. What are four problems with using fossils for evidence of change?
  8. What is the difference between direct and indirect evidence?
  9. If you are exploring biochemical evidence between species are you looking exact DNA or a degree of relatedness?
  10. How many definitions are there for evolution.
  11. What is the difference between a process,a theory and a cause for diversity?
  12. How is a species made?
  13. What defines what a species is?
  14. What is speciation?
  15. What is an isolation mechanism?
  16. What isolation mechanism cannot be crossed?
  17. If a species in one geographic location looked the same as another much further away, this would be an example of what?
  18. If one species moved to land and the other stayed in the water, then looking at the two species, you could propose that they would …..?
  19. Can you answer any question on page 88-89 and do you know the concepts and vocab listed there?



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 12 (16-17) L10 Tues Oct. 11th

Bio 12 (16-17) L9                                Date: Oct Tues 11


Last lessons Objective


Chapter 3


Class Notes or Information


1.   Viewing the cell and myths about the cell

2.   Surface area and volume

3.   Introduction to the idea of an organelle





Today’s Objective 1.   What is a cell made of?

2.   How are structures of a cell linked metabolism?

3.   How does a cell work





Number One

·      Concept map in class

·      What is a “Cellscape” comparing Landscape to Cellscape

·      Prokaryote verse Eukaryote

·      Three page Worksheet

·      Key concept: What is an organelle



Number Two

Linking organelles to metabolic pathways


·      Cell Respiration and mitochondria

·      Photosynthesis and chloroplast

·      Protein Synthesis and Nucleus and RER

·      Fat Metabolism and detox and SER

·      Repackaging macromolecules and Golgi apparatus

·      Move, store and break down and vacuoles


Table of cell structures and functions





Number Three

Good diagrams to look at in text


Flow charts of production of proteins


Flow chart of making vesicles


A cell is like a….


Student examples

·      http://bookbuilder.cast.org/view_print.php?book=53886

·      http://www.slideshare.net/x0x0_c0c0_chanel/a-cell-is-like-a-shopping-mall-animal-cell

·      http://sciencenetlinks.com/student-teacher-sheets/comparing-cell-factory-answer-key/

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmHFVP4Sw8w

·      https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19UNvfkhfV6CTIkExKWRNxAJ6zQPIIlf4bKlGayT6HDw/edit#slide=id.i0


Text Reference Chapter Three



Google hunt Cell metabolism and organelles

·      http://www.edu.pe.ca/gray/class_pages/rcfleming/cells/notes.htm

·      http://biology.tutorvista.com/animal-and-plant-cells/organelles.html

·      http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/301notes1.htm





Class Notes References Nerve cells and slugs

·      http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2941512/Watch-memories-form-INSIDE-brain-mouse-Incredible-images-reveal-synapses-forming-nerve-cells.html


·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoNP1gwMsU8

Take Home message



A membrane is a way of creating a concentration gradient. Ignoring your teacher by using your cell phone instead of taking notes is a way of avoiding a concentration gradient.


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 (16-17) Lesson 9

Biology 11 (16-17) Lesson 9                                           Date Oct 7th 2016



Last lessons Objectives


1.    Isolation mechanisms

2.    Evolution Concept Map

3.    Barbellus Lab



Today’s Objectives 1)    Awesome Unit Test experience

2)    Elephants and rhinos story

3)    Evolution of Elephant Lab



Number One


Exam topics the same as flow chart in class.


1)    The idea of experimentation to support ideas that become theories

2)    Observing activities of life to link to concepts

3)    Linking levels of organization to types of biological research



Number Two

Elephants picking on rhinos



Elephant learning



Save the rhino




Number Three

Evolution of the Elephant

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qceHwgTMyKI

·      http://elephant.elehost.com/About_Elephants/Stories/Evolution/evolution.html


Text book Ref


Chapter 2

Reinforcing concepts of

·      Isolation mechanisms

·      Convergence and Divergence

·      Evidence of change

·      Fossils

·      Adaptions


Online Morphing, evolution of the bear





Take Home Message It is not the destination but the journey

Quiz on chapter 1 and 2 possible next week.

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 (16-17) L 8 Oct 6

Bio 12 (16-17) L8                                Date: Oct Tues 6


Last lessons Objective


Review of Chapter 2

Introduction to Cell


Chapter 3


Class Notes or Information


1.   Quiz on molecules

2.   Lab on food types




Today’s Objective 1.   Success on Exam 1

2.   Viewing the cell and myths about the cell

3.   Surface area and volume

4.   Introduction to the idea of an organelle



Number One

Narrated video of cell





Number Two

Some facts about cells




Number Three


Why are cells so small?

Surface area and volume of cells

·      http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bc/ahp/LAD/C5/C5_ProbSize.html

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw0ZHLJGVTY

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEZxq0lrnVQ

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYaADg5NfEw


Cyto symbiotic theory

·      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbiogenesis

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ1_wqx3hjI

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FQmAnmLZtE



Text Reference Chapter Three



Google hunt Practice Quizzes on Cell biology

·      https://www.biologycorner.com/quiz/qz_cell.html

·      http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=parts–cell




Class Notes References Cell theory



History of Cell theory (TED Talk)





Take Home message




You..are an ecological phenomena..composed of billions of cells. How cool is that!

Evaluation Next Class
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline,Biology 12 Practice Quiz References and have No Comments

Bio 11 (16-17) Lesson 9 Oct 4th

Biology 11 (16-17) Lesson 8                                           Date Oct 3rd 2016



Last lessons Objectives



1.    Direct Evidence and fossils

2.    Indirect Evidence (4 types)

3.    Case study of horses


Today’s Objectives 1.    Isolation mechanisms

2.    Evolution Concept Map

3.    Barbellus Lab



Number One

Isolation Mechanisms

1)    Geographic

2)    Ecological

3)    Morphology

4)    Behavioural


These “barriers” can be crossed and so “hybrids” are created.


If sperm does not fertilize egg or a nonbreeding offspring then it is option 5 (Boing Theory)





Good graphics and vocab





Number Two

Concept Map of Evolution

·      Use coloured pencil to keep track of which chapter the concepts are in.

·      Notice the key vocabulary terms





Number Three

Lab Activity “Barbellus”

Your mission…To create a cladogram of Barbellus


·      Colour land as green and blue as water

·      Species are put on line relative to what layer of earth they are found.

·      Some species may not show up in next generation. Why?

·      What is an example of “divergence” and “convergence”


How to make a cladogram




Text book Ref


Chapter 2  



Take Home Message Behavioural adaptions: remember..

Flowers and boxes.


Chapter One/Introduction Exam next class

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 (16-17) L 7 Oct 4

Bio 12 (16-17) L7                                Date: Oct Tues 4


Last lessons Objective


Review of Chapter 2

Introduction to Cell


Chapter 3


Class Notes or Information


1.   Review common mistakes

2.   Online Evaluations

3.   Online Lessons

4.   Online Simulations




Today’s Objective ·      Lab on analysis of food

(9 Samples)



Number One


Chemical tests for Energy


·      Benedicts Solution


·      Warm water and IKI


·      Grease on brown paper




Number Two


Chemical Test for Protein

·      NaOH (15%) and CuSO4 (1%)



Number Three


Why test Water?

Which Nutrients were not tested?


Text Reference Chapter Two

Molecules of life


You tube Reference You are what you eat (documentary)



Biomolecules review



Bozemanscience Review




Class Notes References Lab Hand out



Take Home message



Next Class is Test on Chapter Two

·      Review available after school and morning tutorial

·      Look up BC Provincial exam questions

·      https://fc.deltasd.bc.ca/~tchan/01952914-00757ed0.2/mc



Evaluation Next Class
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 (16-17) Lesson 7

Biology 11 (16-17) Lesson 7                                           Date Oct 3rd 2016



Last lessons Objectives



1.    Chapter 1

2.    Defining the term “Adaptation”


Today’s Objectives 1.    Direct Evidence

2.    Indirect Evidence

3.    Case study about horses



Number One

·      What is a fossil.

·      What does the diagrams on page 64 explore.

·      Test Question: Five reasons that fossils are challenging pieces of evidence


Online Information



Fossil Evidence Video



Need new version of flash for this one




Number Two

Four types of Indirect Evidence


1)    Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny



Origin of the catchy phrase!



2)    Morphology and types of structures.

Homologous and Analogous structures



A student video



3)    Biochemistry

Aussie info



Aussie video



4)    Physiology




and now an English video




Number Three

Case study on Horse size changes


Key points:

Remember that the x axis is time and you need to start with the oldest fossil.

Y axis should be in units to show the best example of what is occurring with time.


Horse evolution




Text book Ref


Chapter Two ( First section pg 64 for table and 69 for review questions


Online Fossils







Take Home Message “The cool thing about horses- they don’t have prejudice. They don’t care if you’re tall or thing, dark or light, or if your rich or poor. They don’t care about that. They care about how you make them feel.”


Buck Brannaman

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments