" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Biology 11 Lesson for Feb 16th

Biology 11 Lesson Outline                                      Date Feb 16 th



Last lessons Objective



Pesky Protist Project (Due next Wednesday)

Today’s Objectives  

1.   How to compare and contrast

2.   Split in the road

3.   Protist vs Fungi,Plant,and Animals



Number One

What is the difference between a concept and an observation?


Consider that an activity of life is something you can observe, either quantitatively or qualitatively.


A concept is using a group of observations to explain an association between those observations.



Number Two


Groups divided into 3 groups\

To compare similarities and differences between observations (activities of life) and concepts (big ideas in biology).


Use Bio 11 “Bio Intel Mission One” to decide what work needs to be done.



Number Three


To organize your group task consider the following


·      How does a biologists use a dichotomous key to compare different types of living things?

·      How do observations lead to concepts?

·      What would be useful tools or terms to have in order to navigate into new worlds?


Text book Reference


Protist to Fungi Prezi



Protist to Fungi



Worksheets for all three groups



Differences between Kingdoms



Evolution of plants and fungus



Evolutionary history from protist to animals



You tube Reference  

Classification and protists to animals



Protists and ancestors to plant and animals





Take Home Message This is just an intel mission, improvise, adapt and over come your fear of not knowing what to do. Keep it simple student..  
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

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