Biology 11
Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____
Class Amphibia – Living in Two Worlds
Class Amphibia – Amphibians
- amphi = “__________” + bios = “_____”
- origins: first _______________ to live on land
- evolved from ___________________________________about _____ mya
- include ___________________________________________________
Have 2 Life Stages:
- a __________ which undergoes ______________ to become an ________
Adaptations of Amphibians to Land
- Skeleton
- most adult amphibians have strong __________ and _____ adapted for ___________________ (hopping or crawling)
- Body Covering
- skin is ____________________ with no __________
- function of skin: __________ – many amphibians have ______________ on their skin
- also functions in ____________________ – since __________ and _______ pass through easily
- amphibians in water have the problem of ____________________________
- amphibians on land have the problem of _____________________________
III. Respiration
- tadpole respiration through _____
- adult amphibian respiration 90% through _____
- lungs are _____________________________ (some salamanders have no lungs)
- Heart and Circulation
- tadpole heart has _____ chambers – like that of a _______
- adult amphibians have ___ chambers: separate left and right ______, but only 1 __________.
- tadpole has _____ loop, like a _____
- adult has _____ circulatory loops: the __________ loop and the __________ loop.
- in pulmonary loop: deoxygenated blood goes to _____ and/or _____, where it picks up _________, and releases ______________, then it goes back to the _________ where it partially mixes with deoxygenated blood from __________
- systemic loop: mixed blood sent to _________ ______________
Kidneys and Excretion- Tadpoles and aquatic adults:
- similar to _________________________
- primary function of kidneys is ___________________
- kidney produces __________ which is toxic and requires lots of water
- amphibians produce _______________ of urine
- Terrestrial adults:
- kidneys conserve water by producing ______ instead of ammonia – less toxic
- urine more _______________
- produce _____ urine
- Reproduction
- must return to the water to reproduce
- fertilization may be
- __________ (spawning) – ______ and ______ released into water (frogs and toads)
- __________ (salamanders and newts)
- eggs are not waterproof – must be laid in __________ or in ________________ ___________
- eggs are coated with a clear jelly that functions to keep them __________ and protects them from _______________
- zygote develops into an aquatic __________, which undergoes _______________ into a terrestrial __________.
VII. Unique Adaptations
- Frogs and Toads have a __________ that functions to ______________________ (no similar structure in fish)
Did You Know?
Poison dart frogs excrete alkaloid toxins through their skin that are poisonous to would-be predators. However, the frogs do not synthesize their own poisons. The frogs obtain the toxins from animals that they eat, such as ants and mites, and then store the toxins in their skin glands. Because of this, captive bred poison dart frogs do not contain significant levels of toxin.