Bio 11: Virus,Monera and Immune system exam review sheet
Topic One: Virus
- Are Viruses alive?
- How are viruses classified?
- Can you label the structures found in a T phage?
- Can you label the structures of an animal virus?
- What is the difference between a viral capsid and a viral envelope
- Animal viruses viral envelopes are made from what source or molecule?
- How is cowpox related to vaccines?
- Virus have how many types of “cycles”
- Which cycle is active and virulent
- Which cycle can cause cancer
- What is the one thing that only occurs during the lysogenic cycle for virus?
- How does a virus become a prophage?
- What is a “retrovirus” and how is it related to a process called “reverse transcription”?
- Viruses are now being used to replace missing DNA in Eukaryotic cells, how is this a positive or negative process to do?
- There was a flu shot this year and yet many people still got sick, why?
Immune system
- What structures are linked to nonspecific defenses of the body?
- What is an antigen and how is it related to antibodies?
- What cell type makes antibodies?
- What structures are linked to Immunity?
- What is a “cell mediated” response?
- What is a “humoral” or antibody response?
- Why are patients with “flus” usually not given antibiotics?
- What is passive immunity?
- What chemical can be given for flu infections?
- B cells differentiate to become what type of cells?
- T cells are linked to what type of cellular response?
- How does an antibody block a virus from functioning?
- How do you make a vaccine?
- Why do you get ill after getting a flu shot?
- How is this affect linked to primary and secondary response?
- What is interferon and how is it related to treatment of HIV?
- Eubacteria can be classified by what features?
- Some people think that all bacteria are “bad”, can you provide ten reason to debate this statement?
- What is the difference between “cellular respiration” and “fermentation” in bacteria?
- Which domain linked to Monera is said to survive without oxygen?
- What are the three types of shapes for eubacteria?
- How can a bacteria adapt to harsh climates?
- What is the difference between an antiseptic and a disinfectant?
- Why are bacteria called “prokaryotes”?
- What asexual process do Monera use?
- How could you use a diagram to describe a form of sexual reproduction in bacteria?
- What is “transduction” and how could it be linked to making antibodies or other protein structures from bacteria?
- What is the difference between forming an endospore and conjugation?
- If a bacteria releases a toxic chemical, what is it called?
- If a bacteria is able to convert inorganic material, like copper, into energy, what process is involved??
- What is the difference between autotroph and heterotroph?
- What structures do Monera have for locomotion?
- How is the need for oxygen related to how a bacteria can be classified?
- How does this type of bacteria make energy?
- Which antibiotic is used for gram positive bacteria?
- What colour are gram negative bacteria and which drug is not useful to stop them from growing?
- What is the difference between an antibody and a toxoid?
- All bacteria ( including blue green algae) used to classified as Monera, why have they now been classified as Archeo and Eu bacteria and cyanobacteria?
How to study for this exam
There are three main focal points.
- Classification
- DNA and it’s role in evolution
- The six activities of life.
This exam is focusing on how two different sources of disease can enter your body and what happens.
It is also focusing on classification of a living a non living things.
It is also addressing the distinction between a viral cycle and a life cycle.
Remember that change can occur when DNA is exchanged between living things.
Study strategy:
Work on one section at a time.
Do not just memorize the concepts and terminology.
Imagine that you are trying to explain the content to another person who has no idea what you are talking about, simplify the content and then add on new ideas as they arise.
Remember how we linked world history to pathology
Make some flash cards from quizlet and learn to identify how terms are similar and different.
Find all types of quizzes including multiple choice, true and false, fill the blank and short answer questions.
Do not cram for this exam!
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