Biology 11 Lesson Outline Date Oct 5th
Last lessons Objectives
Designing an experiment Pre test review |
Evaluations |
Today’s Objectives |
1. Exam 2. Taxonomy for class plants 3. Media board assignments
Exam |
Number One |
Part One of Introduction Evaluation
(Not including taxonomy)
Number Two |
Room 411 has over 16 plants
You mission is to create a key to find the names of each plant. You should: · Photograph the plants · Find a plant key to classify your plant · Note all plant structures to classify plants |
Number Three |
Each week we need to update the Room 411 Biognus bulletin board Categories
1) Media story with photo 2) Cartoon 3) Vocabulary for the week
For each category, you will need to consider the following
1) Is the work neat and organized 2) Include a feedback section regarding how it is linked to course content 3) A critical thinking question and possible answer
Each student to do one of each assignment for full marks per term. |
Text book Reference
Chapter 1 pg. 38-49
Class Notes |
Chapter 7 Taxonomy
Chapter 2 Evidence of evolution
Class hand outs
You tube Reference | How to write Cornell Notes
DNA and RNA (Amoeba Sisters)
Take Home Message |
You are what you eat. Do not forget Vitamins
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