Biology 11 (2016-17) L 43 Date Thursday March 30
Last lessons Objective
1. Comparing life cycles of aquatic and lower plants 2. Role of water in reproduction and growth 3. Introduction to Ethnobotany
Evaluation |
Today’s Objectives | 1. Roots
2. Stems 3. Leafs
Number One |
Vascular tissue: definition? Drawing a cross section of roots. What is the role of phloem and zylem? Structures and function Root tip and Root cap Root hairs Epidermal cell Cortex Pericycle Phloem Zylem Vascular core Vascular cambium epidermis What are three functions for roots
Number Two |
How does the root structure change to become a stem? Terminal bud Apical Meristem Respiratory structure on stem. Changes in stems from gymno to angio sperm Procambium Cortex Pith Vascular cambium Growth rings Growth bundles What is the role of xylem in gymnosperm? Does a tree grow outward and or upward?
Number Three |
What is the primary function of a leaf? How can leaves protect themselves? How is a needle different than a leaf? Leaf anatomy Epidermis Cuticle Guard cell Stoma Mesophyll Palisade parenchyma Spongy parenchyma Air space Bundle sheath Phloem xylem
Note these structures need to be identified on your drawing and functions of each noted.
Text book Reference
Online and You tube Reference |
Plants: Stems, roots and leaves Bozeman Plant Structure prAP Plants
Take Home Message | What ecological and evolutionary advantages do plants gain by having diverse water moving tissues?
Are stems, roots and leaves tissues or organs?
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