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Bio 11 Evolution Exam Review

Biology Eleven:    Evolution Exam Review


An almost complete vocabulary list ( check text for extra terms)


Vocabulary Term Your definition and example
accidental selection  
adaptive radiation  
artificial selection  
artificial selection  
directional evolution  
fixity of species  
isolation mechanism  
natural selection  
punctuated equilibrium  


Topic One: Adaptation

  • What are some theories or ideas related to the origins of life?
  • What is the fundamental unit of life and what are the activities of this unit?
  • What is an adaptation?
  • How does an adaptation become favourable?
  • What are examples of different types of adaptations
  • How could observed adaptations be associated with a theory?
  • What happens if a species fails to adapt?


Topic two: The Process of Evolution

  • What is the difference between a process and a mechanism?
  • Why can the term “evolution” be interpreted several ways?
  • How can one observe that a change has occurred?
  • What patterns can be hypothesized with changes in:
  • fossils: what sort of changes can fossils have and how can observations be misleading?
  • embryology: how are embryos associated with family trees?
  • anatomy: What is the significance of homologous and analogous structures and how could they be linked to ideas about convergence and divergence?
  • physiology How are tissue structures and functions related to evolution?
  • biochemistry How are proteins and amino acid sequences associate with DNA and how species are related?


  • What are some possible sources of error with fossil proof?
  • How is the earth’s geography associated with how species change?
  • If species can be proven to change with time, what factors effect that change?
  • What is the principle of convergence and divergence?


Topic Three: Mechanisms of Evolution

  • Why do species change or do they remain the same?
  • How could the process of reproduction be associated with the mechanisms of evolution?
  • Adaptation allows an organism to evolve so what causes an adaptation?
  • Are adaptation inherited through use and disuse?
  • Are adaptations controlled by some form of natural selection?
  • How is speciation related to a mechanism of change?
  • How is the rate of change associated with how an organism adapts?


  • From a scientific point of view, what are some of the weakness of Lamarck’s argument
  • What did Lamarck contribute to evolutionary ideas?


  • What are the five specific points of Darwin’s mechanism of evolution?
  • What is the importance of individual variation within a population?
  • In order for an adaptation to be selected what must occur?
  • What is the importance and or contribution of sexual reproduction in evolution?


  • How could today’s ideas (i.e. genetic influence, symbiotic relationships etc.) be consistent or against Darwin and Lamarck’s ideas?
  • What biological discoveries have contributed to changing the interpretation of evolution?
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

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