Biology 11 Lesson Outline Date July 5th
Last lessons Objectives
Ah..last day of regular school. |
Evaluation |
Today’s Objectives | 1. This is my classroom and getting squared away.
2. In and out of class resources 3. Note topics on the board. What is the significance of the number three? |
Number One |
Congradulations…you have now signed up for PG Gunner School.
You are now part of an elite group of individuals attempting to achieve something that several do not achieve during a 8 month program. There are three basic concepts: · Honour · Courage · Commitment These are not buzzwords, nor are they something to take lightly. These words are corp principles to keep this class moving.
Please note: Seating arrangement. Class outline on board Table tops Live animals
Number Two |
What is biology.
Enclosed at my web blog is a comprehensive outline of topics to read. You are accountable for reading and being prepared to be tested on posted material.
Never, read any thing less that five times. 1. Scan and outline 2. Record new vocab and make cue card or file. 3. Separate content into actions and concepts. 4. Read and fill in gapnotes or make your own gap notes. 5. Find an online evaluation to confirm you are proficient in explaining content.
Number Three |
Test one outline of learning outcomes: 1. Activities of life 2. Big ideas of life 3. Levels of organization 4. Molecules of life 5. Scientific method 6. Origins for biological terms
Text Book
Class Notes |
Chapter One: Refer to online for focal points.
Chapter one Taxonomy Just Taxonomy and not Viruses
You tube Reference | How to study biology
Gunner Tips
Gunner Song
How to write Cornell Notes
Take Home Message | Your motto for the next five weeks
“Adapt or Die” |
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