Senior Biology
Mr MBK Carmichael
Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____
Word Dissections
Use the table of prefixes and suffixes to complete the two worksheets that follow. Note: some of the words in the list can be used as both a prefix and a suffix
a, an – without, lacking
ad – toward
amphi – two, both
ana – up, up against
anti – opposite
arch – ancient
arthro – jointed
auto – self, same
bi, bin – twice
bio – life
blast, blasto – sprout
bronch, broncho – windpipe
cardio – heart
carne, carni – flesh, meat
chloro – green
chrome, chromo – colour
co, con – with, together
coni – dust
cranio – skull
cyte, cyto – cell
de – away, remove
derm, dermis – layer, skin
di – two, twice
dia – across, through
diplo – double, two
eco – house, environment
ecto – outside, outer
en – in, into
endo – within
epi – amoung
eu – good, true
ex, exo – out, away from
extra – outside, beyond
gastro – stomach
gen – race, origin
geo – earth
hema, hemo – blood
herbi – plants
hetero – different
homo, homeo – same
hydro – water
hyper – over, above
hypo – under, below
inter – between
intra – inside
iso – equal
karyo – seed, kernal
leuco, leuko – white
macro, mega – large
micro – small
neuro – nerve
oo – egg
osteo – bone
para – beside
path, patho – disease
peri – around
photo – light
phyll – leaf
pneum, pneumono – lung
poly – many
pro, proto – before
pseudo – false
scope – to look
silico -silicon, quartz
sym, syn – together
therm, thermo – heat
taxis – arrangement
tox – poison
xyl, xylo – wood
zo, zoon – animal
zoa – animals
zyg – yolk or union
cide – killer, murder
cycle – circle
emia – blood
esis – action, process
fer – bearing fruit
gram – draw, record
graph – write, record
itis – inflammation
kinesis – movement
logy – study of
lysis – loosen, split
mer, mere – part
meter – measure
nomy – method
oma – swelling
osis – condition, disease
ous – characterized by
philic – love
plasm – mold, form
pod – foot
rrhea – flowing
septic – infected
some – of the body
stasis – stand, stop
stome – mouth
tom, tomy – to cut
trophy – nutrition
trop, tropy – move towards
vore, vorous – eater
y – quality of
Word Dissections
Worksheet 1 – Literal Meanings
Fill in the prefixes and suffixes for the following science terms.
- cardiogram = heart + record
- antiseptic ____________ + _____________
- xylotomy ____________ + _____________
- oocyte ____________ + _____________
- arthritis ____________ + _____________
- microtome ____________ + _____________
- chromosome ____________ + _____________
- blastogenesis ____________ + _____________ + _____________
- arthropod ____________ + _____________
- isomer ____________ + _____________
- thermograph ____________ + _____________
- ectoderm ____________ + _____________
- bronchitis ____________ + _____________
- leukocyte ____________ + _____________
- toxemia ____________ + _____________
- chlorophyll ____________ + _____________
- neurology ____________ + _____________
- biogeography ____________ + _____________ + ______________
- photochrome ____________ + _____________
- isothermal ____________ + _____________
- atom ____________ + _____________
Word Dissections
Worksheet 2 – Actual Meanings
Match the following science terms with their definitions.
Use Worksheet 1 to help you choose the correct answers.
eg: cardiogram = a graphical recording of a heartbeat
____ 1. antiseptic a) film that darkens when exposed to light
____ 2. xylotomy b) a type of asexual reproduction
____ 3. oocyte c) preparing wood for microscopic examination
____ 4. arthritis d) a green pigment in plants cells
____ 5. microtome e) the prevention of infection
____ 6. chromosome f) tiny particle of matter, once thought to be indivisible
____ 7. blastogenesis g) animal with jointed legs and an exoskeleton
____ 8. arthropod h) of constant temperature
____ 9. isomer i) the study of the nervous system
____ 10. thermograph j) an egg cell
____ 11. ectoderm k) chemical compounds composed of the same elements
____ 12. bronchititis l) painful inflammation of skeletal joints
____ 13. leukocyte m) a thermometer for recording variations in temperature
____ 14. toxemia n) white blood cells
____ 15. chlorophyll o) a darkly staining structure found in the nucleus of a cell
____ 16. neurology p) poisonous substances in the blood
____ 17. biogeography q) outer layer of cells that forms the skin
____ 18. photochrome r) branch of biology that deals with the distribution of life forms around the world
____ 19. isothermal s) inflammation of the breathing tubes
____ 20. atom t) a precision instrument for cutting thin sections of tissue for microscopic examination
Word Dissections
Worksheet 3 – Making Words
Using your prefix-suffix list, write the biological term for each of the following.
eg: A bacteria killer – “-cide” means killer, so the term would be “bactericide”.
- White cell = _________________________________
- Outside skeleton = _________________________________
- Middle layer of the leaf = _________________________________
- Outside of the cell = _________________________________
- Study of animals = _________________________________
- Study of form = _________________________________
- A one-celled organism = _________________________________
- A term describing an organism made up of many cells = __________________________
- Green leaf = _________________________________
- Person that studies cells = _________________________________
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