Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Feb 03

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. Research 1 cool tech invention from 1940-1970. Take notes on what it is, when it was invented, what it looked like back then, and what impact you think it has had. Be prepared to share your invention with the class
  2. Handout – Science Fiction Short Stories Intro handout
    1. Read & highlight 1st page
    2. Read & start to think about ideas for 2nd page – DO NOT WRITE ON IT YET
  3. Watch some of the following videos to give you some ideas of WHAT IF & WHAT IT COULD BE. Get  your  imagination warmed  up!!
    1. Distopian Utopias Movie Montage
    2. 65 Dystopian Movies Mashup
    3. Amazing Sci-Fi Gadgets that ALREADY exist
    4. Futuristic Tech You Can Buy Today

   Jan 29

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.3


  1. Character Pkg – “Southpaw
    1. Qs #5-10 – remember to leave 1-2 spaces after each Q so you can ADD to your answers
  2. Start practicing READING the story ALOUD. Consider the characters feelings and the conflict. Kaleem, check in with Ennio to see what part you are reading.

   Jan 29

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3

HOMEWORK: Due Monday

  1. Tech articles – finish filling in the last sheet – Advantage (pros) & disadvantages (cons) of modern tech
  2. Notebook: p. 46Journal #1: Tech pros & cons
    1. In paragraph form (topic sentence, PEE on it, transitions), double-spaced, in pen, titled
    2. Considering the articles and the videos below, discuss whether modern technology (internet, smart phones, etc.) provide society with more advantages (pros) or more disadvantages (cons). Make sure you are providing examples, reasons, and explanations for your ideas. Use the info from the articles and the following videos to help.
    3. Watch some or all of the following TEDTalk videos to get more insight into the impact of modern tech on our lives:
      1. Why our screens make us less happy
      2. Cell Phones, Dopamine, and Development
      3. Cell Phone Addiction
      4. What you are missing while being a digital zombie
      5. What you need to know about internet addiction
      6. Empowering Kids to Rise Above Technology Addiction

   Jan 29

ENGLISH 10 – 2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Friday

    1. Matching & multiple choice – know your characters, the plot, setting, conflicts. the sheets and use them to STUDY & REVIEW
    2. Click the link for helpful review info – SparkNotes – TKAM
  2. TKAM – sheets collect-finish the sheets and use them to STUDY & REVIEW
    1. Cycle of Oppression – GOOD COPY – choose EITHER a current stereotype or one from the novel and work it through the cycle. Use pics with some dialogue to show the cycle. Coloured & outlined.
    2. Marginalization sheets pkg
    3. Conflict sheet
    4. Character sheets
    5. Themes sheets
  3. TKAMnovel collect – BRING YOUR BOOK TO CLASS

   Jan 28

ENGLISH 11- 2.1/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Fri/Tues

  1. The Act of Writing – p. 322 –
    1. The Scar” – read & Qs
    2. Consequences of War list – start making a list for each essay like the example I had on the board. Consider the different consequences of war that are shown, described, alluded to in the essay. Really try to push yourself to think beyond the obvious ideas by going into detail and/or looking at more subtle ideas in each essay.
  2. Lit Circle #2 – Tuesday
    1. Read & complete your role sheet

   Jan 27

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Tues/Friday

  1. Character Pkg – “Southpaw
    1. Qs #5-10 – remember to leave 1-2 spaces after each Q so you can ADD to your answers
  2. Start practicing READING the story ALOUD. Consider the characters feelings and the conflict.

   Jan 27

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3

HOMEWORK: Due Tuesday

  1.  Notebook: p. 45
    1. Short Stories title page – pen, coloured, something clear, clean, and simple to indicate that we’re starting a new section in your notebooks
  2. Technology & Youth articles pkg – In pairs – 
    1. Use your writing skills when you read – You know where a thesis should be, topic sentences & evidence. This will help you focus & understand what you’re reading. 
    2. Read & highlight for your 1-2 articles – practice comprehension & determining importance skills
    3. Write notes, summaries, questions into margins as you read – practice comprehension, summarizing, and responding skills
    4. Agree & disagree and WHY -with info in the articles as you read – practice critical thinking skills
  3. Be prepared to summarize your article(s) and to discuss your opinions on the ideas in the article(s)

   Jan 24

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.3


  1. Subject-Predicate – Quiz #2 – Mon/Tues
    1. Subject-Predicate Video
    2. Simple Subject & Predicate
    3. Subject-Predicate online quiz
    4. Find the PREDICATE quiz
  2. Character Pkg #1 – Read & highlight
    1. Cover/Intro page
    2. “Southpaw”

   Jan 24

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3

HOMEWORK: Due Friday

  1. Critical Thinking essay – FINISHED with self-assessment (See last post for details)
  2. Narrative Terms – review the terms sheets I gave you

   Jan 24

ENGLISH 10 -2.3


  1. Cory & Nathalie – Friday after school – Quiz #4 – Chp. 22-31 & vocab #11-20
  2. Cycle of Oppression sheet – 2 rough copies
    1. Choose one stereotype from our time & world. Use that stereotype to fill in the cycle with pictures & words
    2. Choose one stereotype from the time & pace of the novel, TKAM. Using the characters and setting in the novel, come up with your own scenarios that COULD have happened in the novel for ONE stereotype.
  3. Group #2 – You will be going to paint and glaze your objects
  4. TKAM- Unit Test on Friday
    1. ALL SHEETS (Character, Conflict, Theme, Marginalization) & NOVEL will be collected on Friday 
    2. If you have any last minute Qs about the novel, be ready to ask