Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Jan 24

ENGLISH 10 -2.3


  1. Cory & Nathalie – Friday after school – Quiz #4 – Chp. 22-31 & vocab #11-20
  2. Cycle of Oppression sheet – 2 rough copies
    1. Choose one stereotype from our time & world. Use that stereotype to fill in the cycle with pictures & words
    2. Choose one stereotype from the time & pace of the novel, TKAM. Using the characters and setting in the novel, come up with your own scenarios that COULD have happened in the novel for ONE stereotype.
  3. Group #2 – You will be going to paint and glaze your objects
  4. TKAM- Unit Test on Friday
    1. ALL SHEETS (Character, Conflict, Theme, Marginalization) & NOVEL will be collected on Friday 
    2. If you have any last minute Qs about the novel, be ready to ask

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