Mar 11 –> 15
Intro to “Pathways” and PDF Text (Moodle)
Intro to Studying History (but we never leave Geography!)
History as a “narrative” and perspectives; importance of place and representationBLOG POST: CHOOSE FIVE elements of civilization that often form the focus of historical study of a society, and apply these to yourself in the MODERN context of a group that YOU closely identify with (examples: family, a team, a particular program, a club, etc.)To help you generate ideas, read a document/list showing what these five elements are as they pertain to your “society” – their unique features, and how they shape/contribute to your group/society’s identity.Final Post by TUESDAY March 5
Time/Years (Moodle Activity PDF’s – “1999 …” and “Counting Years”Have answers ready to share/discuss by TUESDAY March 5)
Historical accuracy and Anachronisms“Forrest Gump” Anachronism Assignment (BLOG POST) Due Friday MARCH 8Place yourself visually into an historical moment/sceneInclude a caption for the scene
Studying Civilizations –
- Read Chapter 1 PDF of PATHWAYS by Friday MARCH 8
- Brainstorm with (two partners) possible aspects for Infographics Assignment: Roman <-> Norse <-> Canada’s First Peoples
- Intro to Assignment: Comparing (Early Middle Ages) Civilizations Roman <-> Norse <-> Canada’s First Peoples
- Due April 15
*Re-tests (GEO Unit): in FIT
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