Recent Comments


    June 10 –>14

    • Summary of English Civil War (notes)
    • Overview: French Revolution
      • Read Crossroads Chapter 3 & 4 before Friday June 14
        • Do activity sheets from MOODLE
      • Notes: the POLITICAL SPECTRUM
        • “Right Wing” vs “Left Wing”
          • conservative vs liberal
        • Real (current) World applications of concepts
          • Canada
          • USA
          • European Union
      • Crash Course European History #21
      • Les Miserables


    June 7

    Baseball: Modern Age & English Civil War (Crossroads Ch.1 & 2)

    Read CROSSROADS Chapter 3 – Revolution in FRANCE
    Complete Activity 3-3, 3-4 and Review Sheets by Monday, June 10


    June 3 –>7

    Read Chapters 1+2 in CROSSROADS (see Moodle)

    Complete Activity Sheets 2-3, 2-6 and Chapter Review Sheets BEFORE Friday June 7

    In-Class notes: “Les Philosophes”


    May 21-23

    • Complete if needed “Then and Now” assignment (now past due)
    • “The Renaissance and Age of Exploration”
      • Due May 23 (hard deadline)
        • Moodle Readings
          • Chapter 7 + Review Sheets
          • Chapter 8 + Review Sheets
          • Chapter 9 + Review Sheets
      • What conditions led to the transition from Feudalism? In your opinion which was the most critical/significant/important?
      • Assignment: Interview Infographic


    May 1-10

    The Middle Ages in Western Europe

    • Factors that led to fall of Roman Empire
    • Looking ahead at Assignment:  A Day in the Life – Then (There) vs Now (Here) Due Date week of May 13
    • Video:  “The Dark Ages – Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire”
    • Video: “Life in Medieval Europe”
    • Video: “The Black Death”
    • Video: “The Late Middle Ages”
    • Heraldry & Symbolism

    Homework Readings:

    • Chapter 2 Pathways (see MOODLE PDF) by May 3
    • Chapter 5 Pathways (see MOODLE PDF) by May 7
    • Review & Activity Sheets (MOODLE PDFs) by May 10


    April –> May

    • Videos (also from MOODLE):
      • Basics of GEO – CLIMATE
      • What is an Atmospheric River
      • Atmospheric Pressure (Bill Nye)
      • The Jet Stream (x2)
      • Weather Fronts
      • Atmospheric Circulation
      • El Nino vs El Nina
    • Resources & Sustainability
      • Blog Post:  “The Ball – 20 Questions”
        • Observations
        • How does its story fit in with previous topics:
          • 5 Themes?
          • Tectonics?
          • Climate & Weather?
      • MOODLE:
        • How do Ocean Currents Work?
        • What is A Thermocline?
          • Assignment 4 HYDROSPHERE Part 1 + 2
        • Warming Seas & Melting Ice Sheets
      • Video Notes:  “BLUE GOLD”
    • Reminder of Readings:
        • Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10, 11


    April 2-5

    Recalibrate after Spring Break

    • Share any “Street Experiences” (GEO THEME: “PLACE”)
    • Revisit/remind about deadlines
    • Parent-Teacher Conferences
      • blogs
      • assignments so far
      • course engagement & communication

    Re-Connect – Age of Stupid

    • Which person connected the most? (Blog Post)
    • Age of Stupid – 10 years later (short video clip – add to blog notes on Age of Stupid)

    Ted Talk: Gavin Schmidt – “Emergent Patterns”

    Basics of Geography – “Climate” (video)

    The Carbon Tax in Canada – what is it?



    Mar 11 –> 15

    Intro to “Pathways” and PDF Text (Moodle)

    Intro to Studying History (but we never leave Geography!)

    • History as a “narrative” and perspectives; importance of place and representation
    • BLOG POST: CHOOSE FIVE elements of civilization that often form the focus of historical study of a society, and apply these to yourself in the MODERN context of a group that YOU closely identify with (examples: family, a team, a particular program, a club, etc.)
      • To help you generate ideas, read
      • CREATE a document/list showing what these five elements are as they pertain to your “society” – their unique features, and how they shape/contribute to your group/society’s identity.Final Post by TUESDAY March 5
    • Time/Years (Moodle Activity PDF’s – “1999 …” and “Counting Years”
      • Have answers ready to share/discuss by TUESDAY March 5)
    • Historical accuracy and Anachronisms
      • “Forrest Gump” Anachronism Assignment (BLOG POST) Due Friday MARCH 8
        • Place yourself visually into an historical moment/scene
        • Include a caption for the scene

    Studying Civilizations –

    • Read Chapter 1 PDF of PATHWAYS by Friday MARCH 8
    • Brainstorm with (two partners) possible aspects for Infographics Assignment: Roman <-> Norse <-> Canada’s First Peoples
    • Intro to Assignment: Comparing (Early Middle Ages) Civilizations Roman <-> Norse <-> Canada’s First Peoples
      • Due April 15

    *Re-tests (GEO Unit): in FIT


    March 11-15

    Final Review of Tectonics
    – Summary video clip: “Plate Tectonics”

    – Transition to next Unit: WEATHER & CLIMATE”

    • Accompanying Readings: CLIMATE CHANGE-PLANET EARTH
      • Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
    • Intro to Video: AGE OF STUPID
      • Anticipatory Discussion
        • What is a docudrama?
        • Set up screening notes/focal points:
          • P-I-Q-ue NOTES
            • definition of “pique”: to excite or cause interest (Cambridge Dictionary)
    • Work towards meeting timeline of Seismic Structure Mitigation Assignment (Assignment #3)
    • Preview of SUMMATIVE PROJECT – New School Build


    Mar 1 –> 8

    Intro to “Pathways” and PDF Text (Moodle)

    Intro to Studying History (but we never leave Geography!)

    • History as a “narrative” and perspectives; importance of place and representation
    • BLOG POST:  CHOOSE FIVE elements of civilization that often form the focus of historical study of a society, and apply these to yourself in the MODERN context of a group that YOU closely identify with (examples:  family, a team, a particular program, a club, etc.)
      • To help you generate ideas, read
      •  CREATE a document/list showing what these five elements are as they pertain to your “society” – their unique features, and how they shape/contribute to your group/society’s identity.Final Post by TUESDAY March 5
    • Time/Years (Moodle Activity PDF’s – “1999 …” and “Counting Years”
      • Have answers ready to share/discuss by TUESDAY March 5)
    • Historical accuracy and Anachronisms
      • “Forrest Gump” Anachronism Assignment (BLOG POST) Due Friday MARCH 8
        • Place yourself visually into an historical moment/scene
        • Include a caption for the scene

    Studying Civilizations – Looking ahead …

    • Read Chapter 1 PDF of PATHWAYS by Friday MARCH 8
    • Brainstorm with (two partners) possible aspects for Infographics Assignment:  Roman <-> Norse <-> Canada’s First Peoples
    • Intro to Assignment:  Comparing (Early Middle Ages) Civilizations Roman <-> Norse <-> Canada’s First Peoples

    *Re-tests (GEO Unit): in FIT