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    June 8 (Off-week)


    Crossroads (*NEW) Text (see MOODLE for PDF)

    • Ch.1 – Modern Age – by Monday, June 7
      • Cause & Effect Diagram (#2, p.12) upload to TEAMS by Tuesday, June 8
    • Ch.2 – English Civil War – by Tuesday, June 8
    • Ch.3 – Revolution in France – by Friday, June 11

    *Legacies of Colonialism Assignment due week of June 7

    The Fight for Democracy & the English Civil War:  A Background to Canada’s model of Govt

    • How did the geography of Britain contribute to the conditions that would lead to change?
      • role of bays and harbours?
      • lowlands vs highlands?
    • What was English society like in the 17th Century?
      • social hierarchy
      • economic activities
        • conclusions from Table 2-2?  Then vs. Now?
      • religion
        • Protestantism (Anglican Church)
        • Puritanism (Calvinists)
          • suspicion of women, witches, and original sin
    • Parliament vs The Divine Right of Kings
      • Magna Carta & establishment of Parliament
      • James VI (Scotland) –> James I (England) & absolute monarchy
      • Charles I
        • grievances with the people
        • Short Parliament
        • Long Parliament & the Grand Remonstrance
    • Civil War
      • Cavaliers vs local militia
      • The New Model Army & Oliver Cromwell, the Roundheads
      • Puritans vs Presbyterians
        • role of churches
        • role/return of Charles I
      • Rump Parliament
    • Arguments at Trial
    • Republican Rule under Cromwell
      • Blue Laws
    • The Restoration and Constitutional Monarchy
      • Charles II
      • Tories vs Whigs
      • Test Act
    • The Glorious Revolution and the end to Divine Right of Kings
      • James II
      • William of Orange and the Bill of Rights

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