District News & Opportunities
Sustainability Conference:
The 2020 VSB Sustainability Conference (VSBSC) will be held on Friday, February 14 and the student organizing committee is looking for Youth Head Delegates from secondary schools across the District to help promote and facilitate the conference. The VSBSC is for secondary students in Metro Vancouver interested in learning about different aspects of sustainability through workshops, speakers, and group discussions. Through this, the VSBSC
student organizers hope to promote youth leadership, community engagement, and learning about the environment.
Teachers can share this opportunity with students who might be interested in participating.
Students can apply to be a Youth Head Delegate until November 30, 2019 by filling out an application form: https://forms.gle/9kuy57BGk3gB5Xx67.
A Youth Head Delegate will be responsible for the following tasks:
· Attending 2 MANDATORY information meetings prior to the Conference
· Promoting the VSBSC at their school through social media posts, school announcements etc.
· Displaying a VSBSC Information and sign-up board at their school
· Contributing new ideas on how they will promote this year’s conference
· Communicating their progress to the Public Outreach Coordinator
Learn more about the conference on the webpage at https://vsb-sustainabilityconference.com/ or contact outreach@vsb-sustainabilityconference.com for additional information.
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