Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Mar 10

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. The Pedestrian
    1. Story Map
    2. Story Questions
    3. Reading Quiz
  2. Data collection – between today 9am and Thursday 9am, keep track of 1. How many hours you watch TV (on a TV, not a phone or tablet) AND 2. How much time you spend on your phone (messaging, checking IG, researching, watching videos, playing games, etc.)
  3. Watch the following music video & pay attention to the lyrics. How could the song be connected to the story “The Pedestrian”? What would R. Bradbury or Leonard Mead say about the images & ideas in the video?
    1. Bruce Springsteen- “57 Channels and Nothing On”

   Mar 10

ENGLISH 10 – 2.4


  1. LPN – Finish Unit #1 
    1. Do Review pages – including the paragraph writing
    2. Unit Test & workbook check on Friday
  2. Reading Pkg #1 – 
    1. Read, highlight, notes – 5 poems
    2. Do ALL questions for ALL the poems
    3. Be prepared to discuss the poems & the questions
  3.  Here are videos that may help with some poetry terms/devices 
    1. Poetic Devices Explained
    2. Literary Elements and songs

   Mar 10

ENGLISH 11 – 2.1/2.2


  1. Socratic Circle Sheet & Discussion
    1. Complete the sheet
    2. Come prepared to listen & share
  2. Lit Circle Project
    1. You’ll have time to work on Friday, so come with questions and work to share & do
    2. Project due – March 31st

   Mar 07

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Tues/Wed 

  1. Notebook: Geraldine Moore & character
    1. p. 17 – STEAL Geraldine Moore – write in examples for each of the STEAL boxes
    2. p. 18 -Geraldine Moore Traits & Evidence
      1. Looking at your p. 17 info, decide what personality traits are revealed. (Ex. If a person always says “please” and “thank you”, you might think they are a polite person)
      2. Choose & write in your top 4 traits (look at the list on p. 19 for help)
      3. Then for each trait, write in EVIDENCE or proof from the story that shows this trait. Quotes are THE BEST evidence, but if you can’t find a simple quote, then write in a SPECIFIC example from the story

   Mar 07

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3

HOMEWORK: Due Tuesday

  1. The Pedestrian” – read & do the Qs
    1. The TOC was supposed to handout the story to you, but there’s still a pile of stories in my room, so you’ll have to click the ENGLISH 9 tab above and use the digital version. You don’t have to print it off, but you do need to read it and do the questions for next class. 
    2. English 9 tab –> Short Stories/Narratives Resources —> “The Pedestrian”& Qs. Keep clicking until the word document downloads. 
    3. If you can’t access the story
      1. Ask a friend to send or share it
      2. Look it up online
      3. Come see me on Monday afternoon for a hard copy

   Mar 07

ENGLISH 10 – 2.4

HOMEWORK: Due Monday

  1. LPN – Unit #1 Lessons #9-11 (Unit test on Friday)
  2. Terms Quiz corrections – write out the term you got wrong AND it’s definition on the back of the quiz

   Mar 07

ENGLISH 11 – 2.1/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Monday

  1. SOCRATIC CIRCLE discussion –  I am going to postpone/reschedule the discussion to WEDNESDAY.
  2. Monday – Lit Circle Project time – you will have the class to brainstorm, organize, and plan your project.
  3. Lit Circle Project – You will be presenting your projects RIGHT after spring break, so USE the class TIME WISELY!

   Mar 03

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. LP – Unit Test & Workbook collect – Thurs/Fri
  2. Characterization (STEAL) – Watch the following videos BEFORE you do the worksheets:
    1. Direct vs Indirect Characterization
    2. STEAL Characterization
  3. Notebook
    1. p. 15 – Characterization: STEAL – read over
    2. p. 16– Character Practice – 2 sheets  –DO
      1. Read each one, highlight or underline the evidence that tells (direct) or shows (indirect) who the character is. 
      2. Decide the character trait being described
      3. Decide if it’s being TOLD to you DIRECTLY or SHOWN to you INDIRECTLY

   Mar 03

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. The Veldt” – 
    1. I will be collecting the plot graph
    2. SETTING worksheet – Some of you did not do a good job on your setting sheet – your answers were simple, too short, or incomplete. I made it clear in class and on the blog – that sheet was similar to a test!! I am evaluating your knowledge and understanding of setting and it’s impact on the characters, etc. 
  2. Watch the video & read over the lyrics. You will be writing a journal comparing the song lyrics & video to the story.
    1. Deadmaus – “The Veldt”
  3. Here are videos to clarify IRONY and ALLUSION
    1. Ted Ed: What is Verbal Irony?
    2. Ted Ed: In on a Secret? Dramatic Irony
    3. Ted Ed: Situational Irony: The opposite of what is expected
    4. Allusions in Pop Songs

   Mar 03

ENGLISH 10 – 2.4

HOMEWORK: Due Thurs  

  1. LPN – #11 – “I Am poem” – Try to write a poem where you compare yourself to something else – metaphor. Express parts of your identity through this metaphor (ex. I am a river)
    1. Write an extended metaphor
    2. Min. 10 lines long
    3. Include – 2 similes, 1 ex. of personification, and 1 example of hyperbole
  2. Terms Quiz #1
    1. Review your narrative & literary terms (you got the sheets back in Sept.)
    2. Watch the videos to help –
      1. Short Story Terms Explained
      2. Narrative Devices in Pop Culture
  3. Identity Chart Sheet
    1. Fill in the brainstorm sharing different elements of your identity
    2. You need to have a minimum of 30 ideas
  4. Compassion Presentation for Mr. Hamar’s Class
    1. BRING your clay object
    2. Prepare some simple notes – describe your clay object & how it connects to the book, what is compassion, what you’ve learned about compassion (from the book/move AND THEM)