Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Mar 03

ENGLISH 11 – 2.1/2.2


  1. The Other Hell” –
    1. Read & highlight
    2. Come up with 3 discussion questions
    3. War Consequences List
    4. Watch the following videos and consider what could and should be done for our soldiers?
      1. Veterans Transition Network Scroll down to see stories
      2. Shake Hands with the Devil – trailer
      3. CBC News: The PTSD Factor
      4. CBC News: Canadian Soldier Brothers Die Battling PTSD
      5. CBC News: PTSD Diagnosis Triples
      6. Globe & Mail: Life with PTSD: A Canadian Veteran’s Story
      7. Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire (full documentary)
  2. Socratic Circle sheets & prep -MONDAY
    1. You will be doing a Socratic Circle discussion – so fill in the sheet
    2. Watch the video to help –—> Socratic Circle Discussion Example
  3. Lit Circles – all sheets  & novel should be DONE – watch the videos to give you more info on YOUR novel
    1. Art Spiegelman discusses Maus
    2. Khaled Hosseini discusses A Thousand Splendid Suns
    3. Interview with M. Zusak (The Book Thief)
    4. William Golding talks Lord of the Flies
    5. Sandy Tolan (and others) Discussion on Peace

   Feb 27

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Thurs/Fri

  1. LP / Sentences worksheets
    1. Remember, try to treat the sheets like they were a test so you can really see what you know and what you don’t know.
  2. Character Pkg: “Geraldine Moore the Poet
    1. Developing Skills Qs #1-3 – BUT do #1 Characterization on the following worksheet. 2 examples for each box. Choose specific examples/evidence from the story.

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues

  1. LP #22-23 AND Review AND Using What You’ve Learned
    1. Do the Review in 2 steps: Step 1 – Do as many questions as you can without looking back. Step 2 – In a different colour, finish all the questions you skipped, but this time look back at the lessons to help you
    2. Prepare for Unit #2 Test – Thurs/Fri
  2. Character pkg: – finish all story questions


   Feb 27

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3

HOMEWORK: Due Thurs/Mon

  1. Notebook: p. 48– Journal #2 – “Lenses” – you will be peer editing on Thursday
  2. “The Veldt”
    1. Reading Quiz
    2. Story Questions
    3. Plot graph

HOMEWORK: Due Monday 

  1. “The Veldt”Setting worksheet
    1. You are showing me if you can APPLY your knowledge about setting to this story, so make sure you take your time and do this worksheet thoughtfully because I will be collecting and assessing your knowledge.
  2. Setting videos – watch –
    1. What’s the Mood? and how mood is created
    2. Why is a Story’s Setting Important? (more detailed info)

   Feb 27

ENGLISH 10 – 2.4

HOMEWORK: Due Fri/Tues

  1. LPN – Lessons #7-8
  2. Compassion Essay – 
    1. Using the rubric and considering the class discussion today, ADD and IMPROVE what you’ve written
    2. Consider word choice: synonyms, connotations, descriptive language, etc.
  3. And, Summer shared this Ted Talk with me and I’m sharing it with you! Bryan Stevenson is the lawyer in the movie “Just Mercy” and he is discussing IDENTITY and INJUSTICE in this talk.
    1. Ted Ed: Bryan Stevenson – We Need to Talk about Injustice

HOMEWORK: Due Tuesday

         1. LPN – Lessons #9-10 – the written exercises are the MOST important               ones to complete!!

         2. Compassion Essay  – FINAL copy – DUE on TUESDAY – typed, MLA,                   with YOUR OWN title


   Feb 27

ENGLISH 11 – 2.1/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Fri/Tues

  1. Lit Circle #6 (2nd to last one!)
  2. The Other Hell” article
    1. Read, highlight, write in notes
    2. Come up with 3 discussion questions based on the article
    3. Watch the following videos and consider what could and should be done for our soldiers?
      1. Shake Hands with the Devil – trailer
      2. CBC News: The PTSD Factor
      3. CBC News: Canadian Soldier Brothers Die Battling PTSD
      4. CBC News: PTSD Diagnosis Triples
      5. Globe & Mail: Life with PTSD: A Canadian Veteran’s Story
      6. Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire (full documentary)
  3. War Consequences List – add to your list and start to consider connections to your Lit Circle novel

   Feb 25

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Tues/Wed

  1. LP
    1. Compound Sentences/FANBOYS – worksheet
      1. Compound Sentences using FANBOYS
      2. Coordinating Conjunctions: Using FANBOYS
    2. Start to review for unit test coming up in 7-10 days
  2. Character Pkg – “Geraldine Moore the Poet
    1. Qs #8-11
    2. Reading Quiz – know your terms & the story
  3. Notebook: p. 14Plot Graph “Geraldine Moore the Poet”
    1. What is Plot? Watch the video for extra help

   Feb 24

ENGLISH 10 – 2.4


  1. LPN – #4-6
  2. Compassion Essay – take out 1 example you had, and add a new one based on the movie “Just Mercy”. What did you learn about compassion from the movie “Just Mercy”. You should have 3 things you learned: Mr. Hamar’s class, TKAM, and “Just Mercy”
  3. Just Mercy” worksheets
  4. And, Summer shared this Ted Talk with me and I’m sharing it with you! Bryan Stevenson is the lawyer in the movie “Just Mercy” and he is discussing IDENTITY and INJUSTICE in this talk.
    1. Ted Ed: Bryan Stevenson – We Need to Talk about Injustice

   Feb 24

ENGLISH 11 – 2.1/2.2


  1. The Act of Writing – p. 102 – “Hurricane”
    1. Read 
    2. Do Qs Structure – #2 & Discussion #2 – BE PREPARED to discuss
    3. Consequences of War List

   Feb 21

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.3


  1. LP #21 – 2 PAGES!
    1. Compound Sentences using FANBOYS
    2. Coordinating Conjunctions: Using FANBOYS
  2. Character Pkg – “Geraldine Moore the Poet”
    1. Qs #1-7
    2. Reading Quiz Tues/Wed – review terms & connect them to the story
  3. Notebook: p. 13 – Setting in “Geraldine Moore the Poet” 
    1. Remember to give EVIDENCE from the story to BACK up your ideas

   Feb 21

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. “Lenses” – Plot graph
    1. What is Plot?
    2. Plot Structure using Aladdin
  2. Notebook: p. 48Journal #2 “Lenses
    1. Discuss – would you change, genetically or surgically, a part of yourself for your “dream” job. (This is the same topic from the debate, so you can think back to the ideas from the debate)
    2. In paragraph form – TAG, TS, PEE (3 points), CS – 
      1. You MAY use my TAG example IF you want to OR you can use it to write your own:
        1. TAG – In the story “Lenses” by L. Silverman, the protagonist, as well as many others, has had surgery on herself in order to do her job as a surgeon. 
    3. Double spaced, in pen (blue or black)