- “The Other Hell” –
- Read & highlight
- Come up with 3 discussion questions
- War Consequences List
- Watch the following videos and consider what could and should be done for our soldiers?
- Veterans Transition Network – Scroll down to see stories
- Shake Hands with the Devil – trailer
- CBC News: The PTSD Factor
- CBC News: Canadian Soldier Brothers Die Battling PTSD
- CBC News: PTSD Diagnosis Triples
- Globe & Mail: Life with PTSD: A Canadian Veteran’s Story
- Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire (full documentary)
- Socratic Circle sheets & prep -MONDAY
- You will be doing a Socratic Circle discussion – so fill in the sheet
- Watch the video to help ––—> Socratic Circle Discussion Example
- Lit Circles – all sheets & novel should be DONE – watch the videos to give you more info on YOUR novel