Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Sep 25

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs “The Warm Fuzzy Tale” paragraph & pledge – 2 paragraphs, double spaced Yellow Terms Sheet – check mark any terms you know well, question mark any terms […]

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   Sep 19

ENGLISH 10 -1.4/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues Review the writing handouts I gave you for your 3 paragraph journal response. In a notebook – double spaced- do Journal #1: What is personal identity?  What […]

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   May 02

ENGLISH 9 – 2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Friday Narrative Terms Quiz Journal #3 – Does our modern technology make our lives better or worse? Explain. Fahrenheit 451– Read p. 1-18 AND do Qs #1-6 If […]

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   Apr 26

ENGLISH 9 – 2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Monday “The Murderer” – Qs & reading Quiz. Click the Eng 9 tab above for all of the stories & Qs. Here’s a link to a video —> “The […]

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   Apr 10

ENGLISH 9 – 2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Thursday – HELLO & Welcome back!   😛  Review & study your Narrative Elements Narrative Elements QUIZ Read & highlight key info in Science Fiction intro sheet.

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   Apr 10

ENGLISH 8 – 1.4/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs Character Pkg – “If I were a Boy” lyrics Qs.  You not be able to do them all fully, but do your best to do all of […]

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   Jan 16

ENGLISH 8 – 1.4/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Tuesday/Wednesday LP #21 & Compound Sentences worksheet Notebook: p. 20 Character types & p. 21 Types of Conflict – label each flap & write the definitions in on […]

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   Dec 16

ENGLISH 11 – 1.3/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues All Journals – #5-8 – Same as last time – in order, labelled & titled, multi-paragraph, good discussion that’s at least 1 pg double spaced, and peer edited. […]

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   Nov 09

ENGLISH 8 – 1.4/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Tues/Wed LP #10-11 Setting pkg – collect Setting pkg test – both stories, poetry terms, all narrative terms (setting, character, plot, conflict, theme) – so use your flashcards, […]

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   Oct 24

ENGLISH 10 -1.1/1.2

HOMEWORK: Due Thursday Improve/complete Story Map “So What Are You, Anyway?” “Behind the Veil” – read, highlight, reading quiz Narrative Terms Quiz Here is a fun, useful video using Disney movies to […]

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