Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Nov 26

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. LP #17-18
  2. Notebook:H.I.T.Introductions
    1. p. 32 Flip: Hooks & Leads practice – DO NOT write the type of lead on the line. Just practice writing different leads in the blank space. Your partner will have to guess the type of lead you wrote.
    2. p. 33Thesis Statements – read and complete 
  3. Here are some more videos to help: 
    1. Shmoop: Writing Grabby Intro Sentences
    2. Mr. Sato: How to Write a Hook
    3. H.I.(B).T. Introductions
    4. Introduction Paragraph – Do’s & Don’t’s

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