Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   May 17

ENGLISH 11- 1.1/2.4

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. Peer Edit Journal #2 – Multiculturalism & discuss the topic of isolated island vs true diversity
  2. Traditions Compare/Contrast Synthesis Worksheet – will be collected
  3. “Totem” p. 119
    1. Reading Quiz
    2. Qs #3-6  & 8 in the text AND #7  & #9 below
      1. 7a) List out what the “totem pole” and the museum could symbolize in the story
      2. 7b) List out the “noises” the totem pole made & what they could symbolize
      3. 7c) List out the specific reactions to the totem poles and the different noises
      4. #9 Looking at your lists – totem pole, sounds, people’s reactions – what is the author trying to express/satirize about Canadian society?

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