Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Oct 01

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. Notebook
    1. p. 13 – Journal #2- Friendship – Brainstorm
    2. p. 15– Journal #2 – 3 paragraph Outline

   Oct 01

ENGLISH 11 – 1.1/2.4

HOMEWORK: Due Tues/Wed

  1. BLOCK 1.1 
    1. GOOD copy of First they came poem – at least 5 different targets, your own title. Remember, you want your poem to attract attention, catch people’s eyes, so they will read your good ideas
    2.  – Read & highlight historical context handout
  2. Block 2.4
    1. KWL sheet – divide a piece of paper into 3 columns: K (know) W (wonder) L (learn). In the K column, list out things you already know about Elie, Auschwitz, the Holocaust, WWII.  It doesn’t have to be everything you know, but at least 15-20 major points. In the W column (most important column), list out questions you have or things you want to know about Elie, Auschwitz, the Holocaust, WWII.  Curiosity is very important, so no questions or wonder is bad or wrong. You will fill in the L column as you watch and learn.
    2. Here are the 2 short videos we watched in class. Watch & add to your L column. We will finish watching the Elie video next day.  
      1. Video Footage —> Jewish life before the Holocaust
      2. Drone Footage> Auschwitz Concentration Camp

   Sep 27

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. Notebook: Journal #1 – Values – Final draft – p. 11-12
  2. Values Pkg – Finish additional questions on friendship

   Sep 27

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.1


  1. Autumntime” Story Qs #1-8 – on a separate piece of paper. Qs #5-8 are harder, but I want you to try your best – don’t skip any question.  Leave 1-2 blank lines after each question so you can add to your answers in class.
  2. Setting – Time, Place, Mood, Tone – Paper: Write the the 4 terms on the outside of each flap. Use colours and pictures to help you remember each one.  On the inside of each flap, write the definition for each term AND some examples to help you remember and understand.
  3. Bring your notebook because we will be setting it up & sticking in your first page.

   Sep 27

ENGLISH 10- 1.4/2.2


  1. Story Circle Sheets– Role Sheet #1 for Poems  Variety
  2. Terms Pre- Quiz – check your own quiz using the blue terms sheet I gave you. Then do corrections in an obvious colour. The purpose is to see what you don’t know so you can focus on that in this unit.

   Sep 27

ENGLISH 11- 1.1/2.4


  1. BLOCK 1.1 – Rough copy of First they came poem – at least 5 different targets, your own title
  2. Block – 2.4 – read & highlight Historical Context sheets

   Sep 25

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. Notebook: pg. 9-10 – Journal #1: Values 2nd Draft – make proper changes based on what your editors said – add, delete, move around info – transitions, topic sentence, concluding sentence, explanations, etc. DOUBLE-SPACED
  2. Values Pkg – reading #2 – Friendship – read, highlight, do all the questions
  3. Here are a couple of videos on friendship that will help with your next journal entry —> Friendship & Vulnerability  AND The Purpose of Friendship

   Sep 25

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. “The Warm Fuzzy Tale” paragraph & pledge – 2 paragraphs, double spaced
  2. Yellow Terms Sheet – check mark any terms you know well, question mark any terms you don’t know at all or very well
  3. Blue Narrative Terms pkg – Make 4 flashcards one for each of the setting terms (time, place, mood, tone). Term on one side, definition & examples on the back.
  4. Setting Pkg – “Autumntime” – read & highlight KEY ideas while you read – characters, places, conflict, major events, etc. DO NOT highlight most of it.
  5. Make sure you have all your supplies – especially your notebook because we will be starting to use it next class.


   Sep 25

ENGLISH 10- 1.4/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. Journal #1 – double spaced & in a notebook – What is personal identity?  What are your top 5 identifiers & why? See previous post for more info.
  2. Reading Pkg #1 – Read all 5 poems and do all the questions with each poem.  
  3. Reading Quiz #1 – this will be based on the poems & general poetry knowledge

   Sep 25

ENGLISH 11- 1.1/2.4


  1. BLOCK 1.1 – Martin Niemoller – read, highlight, do ALL questions – note form – especially #10 – 15 responsibilities AND start to think of ideas for your poem – read the info and example ideas on the last page.
  2. BLOCK 2.4First  They Came…” – good copy of your version of the poem.  Remember, you goal is to not only write a thoughtful poem that follows the ideas/themes of the quote, but also have people stop to read your poem, so make sure it is eye-catching!
  3. Group Quote – start thinking up ideas about your quote – what it means, how it connects, etc.