Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Dec 13

ENGLISH 10 -1.4/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues

  2. LP #28-29 – yes, block 2.2, we didn’t start it, but I want you to do it anyway. Time was lost/wasted on the power outage and on people who didn’t do their homework. Do 8-10 sentences for the written parts. DO NOT underline parts of the sentences. JUST WRITE 8-10 SENTENCES USING DIFFERENT TYPES OF SENTENCES.
  3. LP Unit #2 Test – Thurs/Fri next week.
  4. I Am Here Today Because I Am Gay” – Ellen Page speech – read, highlight, do Qs. Reading Quiz.
  5. Listen, watch, and read – Video—>   Ellen Page Speech 

   Dec 13

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues

  1. LP#18 
  2. Southpaw” – read, highlight key info AND Do Qs #1-9. Title your page, name, date, block, leave 1 blank line to add info. TRY your best to answer all of the questions. Even if you think you might be wrong, I’d rather you try and be wrong than not try at all. 🙂 

   Dec 12

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3

HOMEWORK: Due Friday

  1. LP – Unit #2 – Review pages – do this in multiple steps: 1. Do all the questions you know without any help 2. In a different colour, look back to the lessons and finish all the questions you skipped in step 1. 3. In class, using a third colour, mark and correct all of your answers. LP Unit #2 Test next week: Thursday.
  2. Ted Talk: Why listen to people you disagree with
  3. Critical Thinking and Advertising: Find at least 1 ad or commercial that you can share with the class to have them analyze what is really being sold. We will watch the commercials, and you will decide if it’s a 1 (Great evidence to purchase the product) down to a 4 (irrelevant or terrible evidence of the product).
  4. Watch these commercials to get an idea of what commercials to look for:
    1. YSL perfume
    2. Old Spice cologne
    3. Hyundai Car
    4. Mercedes AMG
    5. McDonald’s
    6. Subway

   Dec 11

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. LP #16-17
  2. Block 1.2 – Terms Quiz
  3. Grammar Quiz – Thurs/Fri – Subject & Predicate

   Dec 11

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. LP #27-28
  2. Values Pkg – read & do exercises for #32: Should we listen to the opinions of others.

   Dec 11

ENGLISH 10- 1.4/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Thurs/Fri

  1. LP #26-27
  2. New Reading Pkg – Read & Do Qs “I Am Here Today Because I Am Gay” speech
  3. If you were absent, you must see me ASAP to get the reading pkg

   Dec 11

ENGLISH 11 – 1.1/2.4

HOMEWORK: Due all this week

  1. FOOD BANK $6 donation. You MUST all have your $6 in by Thursday/Friday this week if you want to have the essay questions in advance so you can prepare for the essay portion of your NIGHT test. $150/class.
  2. Review your essay writing skills and structure to prepare for the in-class essay – Mon/Tues

   Dec 08

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues

  1. LP #14-15
  2. Subject-Predicate help! —>
    1. Khan Academy: Subject-Predicate videos & quiz
    2. Subject-Predicate quiz
  3. Terrible Things” Qs & paragraphs
  4. Terms Quiz – use your flashcards to review & study
  5. Sentences Quiz – subject & predicate – Quiz Thurs/Fri

   Dec 08

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. LP #25-26
  2. Bring your Values Pkg to class
  3. Fake News – BBC Real or Fake Worksheet: Double spaced!! Write a short news type story (15-20 good, varied sentences). Your story should be fiction, but you MUST include 3 actual facts. This story should not be mean or negative towards another student or person in general. The idea is to see how easy it is to make up a fake news story and how hard it is to tell the facts from the fiction. Example headlines: Senior Boys’ Bball team loses by 1 point because the team was blackmailed. OR J.O. History 1995: Students lighting fireworks, burn down east wing of school OR Frustrated teacher pushes student out of first floor window!

   Dec 08

ENGLISH 10 -1.4/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Tues/Wed

  1. LP #23-25 – Lesson 23 Part A-B NOT pt. C; Lesson 24 Part A-C – pt. C- 8-10 sentences; Lesson 25 Part A-C – pt. C- 10-15 sentences. Remember to use and practice writing complex sentences.
  2. Journal #7 – Discuss your family’s expectations of you and how that has and does impact your identity. Pen, double-spaced, 3+ paragraphs (intro, body, conclusion), 200+ or at least 1 page, good discussion. Practice sentence variety.
  3. Self-Evaluations
  4. “Whale Rider” Lit Circle sheets
  5. Rough drafts for project – late