Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Oct 03

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/2.3


  1. Late Bio-poems
  2. Block 1.2
    1. “Autumntime” – Qs #1-3 – Setting, Theme, Symbol
    2. Flashcards5  “Other” section – the last section of terms
    3. Bring your NOTEBOOK to class
  3. Block 2.3 – 
    1. Notebook
      1. p. 1 – Title page – Short Stories 
      2. p. 24 Parts of Setting – write time,place,mood, tone & draw or colour anything that will help you remember on the front. On the inside write the definition & examples that help you understand or remember the term.
    2. Flashcards – all should be done – start to review your Setting & Character terms

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