Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Apr 16

ENGLISH 11 – 1.1/2.4

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. Safegaurd Your Lives” – Finish questions (#1-3; 2-3; 2 & 6). Prepare to debate Q #6 – Should Canada continue to trade with China despite it’s terrible human rights record?
  2. Action Narrative
    1. Research & find an event that you could write about (see requirements). Watch videos of it & take notes just like the author Jan Wong did for her piece. You will be taking your notes to write this final written assignment. The better the notes, the easier it will be to write.
    2. Requirements for Action Narrative – You must include the following: Sense imagery & strong word choice; time & place transitions; climax; narration, description, examples. 
    3. Some examples/ideas to look up & watch:
      1. Riots – Ferguson, Charlottesville car attack, Canucks riot, Civil Rights protests, Apartheid protests,  etc.
      2. Disasters – Hurricanes, earthquakes, cyclones, Notre Dame Fire, BC Wild fires,  etc. 
      3. Sporting events – March Madness, Stanley Cup playoffs, World Cup, school games

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