Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Oct 04

ENGLISH 10 – 1.1/1.2

HOMEWORK: Due Friday

  1. Journal #2: Identity & Sex/Gender – Discuss how much your gender/sex does or doesn’t impact your identity.  
  2. Here are some links to videos and audio about gender issues — click here —> CBC “Guys & Dolls” Gender Marketing audio AND “Dear Dad” mini movie AND “#Like a Girl” advertisement  AND “Through the Glass Ceiling” animation
  3. So What Are You, Anyway?” – Read, high light, make notes
  4. Block 1.2 – Start the story map for “The Friday Everything Changed”
  5. Get caught up on your journals & Lit Circle role sheets.  You should have 2 role sheets completed: 1 for the poems & 1 for the first story

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