Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Nov 17

ENGLISH 11 – 1.2/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Friday/Monday

  1. Narrative Presentations: Conflict, POV & Other techniques #1
  2. Watch the following videos to help prepare you — CLICK HERE —> Point of View;  Dramatic Irony, Situational IronyVerbal IronyConflict #1Conflict #2 Examples
  3. Anyone who missed the in-class write, you MUST WRITE IT ON FRIDAY AT LUNCH!  I will be marking them over the weekend.  EMAIL me ( before FRIDAY with any questions.
  4. 2.2 – Those students who volunteered to help with the Grad Breakfast, you must get to the cafeteria on THURSday by no later than 8am.  You will be helping with set up and with handing out forms/papers and anything else during the block. Thanks!

   Nov 16

ENGLISH 8 – 1.2/1.1

HOMEWORK: Due Friday/Monday

  1. LP #24, 41, 29 (Nouns, pronouns, verbs)
  2. “Southpaw” Qs – Interpreting #3-8; Critical Thinking #10; Building Skills #1-3 (FYI-#3 goes onto the back of the page) -all questions should be answered on a separate piece of paper that is titled with your name/date/block AND make sure you leave 1-2 lines blank after each answer so you can add to what you came up with.
  3. “Southpaw” – Here’s a link to the full story —– CLICK HERE—> SOUTHPAW -by J. Viorst
  4. “Southpaw” – start to analyze both characters.  What are they feeling?  What’s the conflict?  How would they sound if they were reading out their responses?  Practice how both characters would sound in their heated exchange.  Start to prepare for the class oral/read aloud. WATCH the following video to help you figure out how you can use your voice to express different ideas —click here —> What’s Subtext?  AND Using Subtext to express ideas

   Nov 14

ENGLISH 11 – 1.2/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. Journals #1-9 – completion check – 250-500 words, min. 1 page, double spaced, multi-paragraph, good discussion, edited.
  2. Story Notes – “Totem” & “Behind the Headlines”
  3. In class paragraph writing– Review the basics of writing a good paragraph – Topic: Which is a better system: integration or assimilation?  Consider what you think “better” means (fair, productive, unifying, safe, just, happy, etc.)  Do some research of your own, or at least read through these links so that when you do the in class writing, you have something worth saying/reading.
  4. Check out these articles and links – they are purposely from a variety of sources, so that you get a wide range of ideas/opinions — CLICK here —> Niki Sharma Letter,  Multiculturalism vs. Assimilation differences,   Canadian – Multiculturalism vs. Assimilation,   Pros & Cons – integrations vs. assimilation,   USA – multiculturalism or assimilation,  Charter of Values – CanadaCharter of Values Stats,   Canadian Values & the Niqab debate
  5. Narrative Presentations – Conflic, POV, Other Techniques #1 – Friday/Monday

   Nov 14

ENGLISH 10 – 1.3/1.4


  1. IDENTITY PROJECT – DUE! Everyone will hand in their project AND  we will begin the presentations.  I don’t want posters!  If you’ve already done it on a poster (BOOOO!) fine, but as I explained SEVERAL times, I am planning to keep these projects for you until gr. 12.  Posters take up awkward space & you’re NOT going to want a poster when you’re in gr.12.  Find another way to show your project – book(let), pages in an album, pages in a memory box, time capsule, a diary, etc.
  2. ORAL PRESENTATION – Please read the instructions/information for the presentation.  Whichever option you choose, you will ALL be presenting your(self) project for about 2 mins – either 25-30 secs each for all 5 assignments OR 1 min. for 2 assignments in detail.
  3. LP Unit #1 – If we have time on Thursday, you’ll do your test & hand in your workbook for a completion mark.  If not, then the test & workbook check will be on Monday.
  4. UNIT QUEST – you’ll have multiple choice, 25 Q test on Monday on all the readings in this unit – poems, stories, speech – so review your story maps, Qs/As, Lit Circle sheets, and narrative terms.

   Nov 14

ENGLISH 9 – 2.4


  1. Act V sheets
  2. Study for Unit TEST FRIDAY – Basics about Shakespeare AND “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”: Plot, characters, conflict, important quotes – basically go through ALL the sheets we’ve done from the start of the unit.  Anything we’ve focused on or that I’ve given you could be included as a question.
  3. ANY late work…

   Nov 14

ENGLISH 8 – 1.1/2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. LP #10-11
  2. Terms Quiz #1 – Setting, Character, Poetry terms
  3. Character Pkg #1 – Read & highlight – “Southpaw”

   Nov 08

ENGLISH 8 – 1.1/2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues

  1. Setting Package Quest – study the 2 stories, the poetry sheets/terms, story maps, terms.
  2. Setting package – collect 
  3. Terms Quiz #1 – Wed/Thurs

   Nov 08

ENGLISH 11- 1.2/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues

  1. Check out this article on Canadian Conservative Kellie Leitch — Read here –> Kellie Leitch on Trump’s victory —  Hmm, so what are our Canadian values?? And are they the same as Trump’s???
  2. Behind the Headlines” p. 137 – Qs #3-9, Story Notes
  3. Read p. 107-108 
  4. Journals #8 – Traditions – What are some traditions you & your family celebrate?  Are all traditions positive?  Explain. Is it important to hold onto traditions or is it more important to adapt and evolve with the times and/or the dominant culture?  Explain. With reference to all 3 tradition stories we’ve studied, discuss your opinion on the value and purpose of traditions. (The Lottery, Jade Peony, Totem) 
  5. Journal #9 -“Behind the Headlines” – Choices: A dilemma – In this short story Lakshmi reflects on the choices she’s made in her life and wonders how her life has turned out this way.  In this moment of reflection, she is faced with a dilemma: to remain the same or to change.  As we get older, we are given more responsibilities and have more power to make choices for ourselves, but we also have to deal with the consequences of our choices.  Consider an important choice or dilemma that you’ve had to face.  Discuss the situation.  What did you do?  How did you choose?  What were the consequences? Do you have any regrets? Explain.
  6. Narrative Presentations: Conflict, POV, Other techniques #1 – Presenting on Thurs/Friday.  Have your ideas & info ready to show me on Tues/Wed & anything you might need photocopied

   Nov 07

ENGLISH 9 – 2.4


  1. Read Act V
  2. Character Analysis Chart – complete – click on Eng 9 tab if you need another sheet – Hermia/Helena/Lysander/Demetrius =3 characteristics; Oberon/Titania/Puck = 2 Characteristics; Egeus/Theseus = 2 characteristics; Bottom/Quince = 2 characteristics; Snug/Snout/Starveling/Flute = 1 characteristic. (remember you’re analysizing their actions/behaviour/words/beliefs/etc to figure out their personality traits)
  3. MSND Unit test – Nov. 18th

   Nov 04

ENGLISH 8 – 1.1/2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues

  1. All sheets to do with Life Beliefs Systems – Venn, etc.
  2. Any late good copy poems
  3. Review & study your terms & the setting package – TERMS QUIZ 
  4. The Book of Life” – Story Map
  5. Setting package test Mon/Tues next week