Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Oct 06

ENGLISH 10 – 1.1./1.2


  1. So What Are You, Anyway?” – Read, highlight, write in note-form answers, reading quiz
  2. Make sure you’re caught up with your 2 Lit Circle Sheets and the first 2 journals.
  3. Here are some videos to watch to get you thinking about the new story & the issues around identityrace—click here —>“White Boy Privilege” Slam Poem by Royce Mann AND  Media bias and race AND R. Dolezal – Can you choose your racial identity?

   Oct 04

ENGLISH 10 – 1.1/1.2

HOMEWORK: Due Friday

  1. Journal #2: Identity & Sex/Gender – Discuss how much your gender/sex does or doesn’t impact your identity.  
  2. Here are some links to videos and audio about gender issues — click here —> CBC “Guys & Dolls” Gender Marketing audio AND “Dear Dad” mini movie AND “#Like a Girl” advertisement  AND “Through the Glass Ceiling” animation
  3. So What Are You, Anyway?” – Read, high light, make notes
  4. Block 1.2 – Start the story map for “The Friday Everything Changed”
  5. Get caught up on your journals & Lit Circle role sheets.  You should have 2 role sheets completed: 1 for the poems & 1 for the first story

   Oct 03

ENGLISH 9 – 2.1


  1. Journal #1 – “My Values” final draft on pg. 8 of your notebook
  2. Journal #2 – Brainstorm & Outline ideas p. 9 of notebook- Topic: What is your definition of friendship.  Make sure you consider and include Aristotle’s ideas of usefulness, pleasure, and moral goodness.  Do you agree?  Do you have more to add?  For your body ideas you will need to discuss and give examples of how you fit your definition and how your friends fit your definition friendship.
  3. Here are videos to help you with your definition of friendship — click here —> “What is a True Friend?” AND Sesame Street: What is a friend? AND What Makes a Good Friend?  AND “The Purpose of Friendship”

   Oct 03

ENGLISH 8 – 1.4/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. Setting Pkg – 4 Poetry worksheets
  2. Block 1.4 – Flashcards – finish all CHARACTER terms
  3. Block 2.3 – Flashcards – PLOT – 3 cards: Introduction, Initiating Event, Rising Action
  4. Here’s a video to help you with your poetry sound terms — click here —> Sound Devices

   Oct 03

ENGLISH 11- 1.3/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs

  1. Miss Brill” – song lyrics handout Qs – 
  2. Watch and read the lyrics to this song because we’re going to be talking about the song and “Miss Brill” —> Click here —> “Brick by Boring Brick” AND “Miss Brill” video summary
  3. Story notes & Story Map sheet for “Identities” AND “Miss Brill” – will be collected
  4. Journal #2 – Empathy Journal – write from Miss Brill’s POV (1st person) after she gets home from the park and puts away her fur.  You can write either right after she gets home, a day later, a week later, or even a year later, just be clear in your writing when it is.  Consider who she is (character analysis) and how she sees herself and the world.  How might she react, feel, behave after what happened?  Does she have an epiphany and change her life, or does she continue living in her fantasy, make-believe world?  Does she go back to the park or not?  Become Miss Brill and write as if you were her.  Try to understand her, empathize with her, and share what she’s going through.  This is partially a creative response, but it is based on the author’s depiction of Miss Brill. Multi- paragraph, double spaced, in pen, etc.

   Oct 03

ENGLISH 10 – 1.1/1.2


  1. The Friday Everything Changed” – story Qs, reading Quiz
  2. Lit Circle – you will be discussing “The Friday Everything Changed” have your 1 Lit Circle Sheet completed for the story
  3. Journal #1: Personal Identity – Consider the poems and discuss with examples what personal identity means to you. Journal requirements: double- spaced, in pen, labe/topic, your own title, multi-paragraph discussion of the topic, min. 1 page
  4. Here are a few videos for you to consider when writing your journal —Click here —> “Who Am I?” AND “What’s Your Identity?” AND  TED Ed “Who Am I?” AND Mind: Personal Identity

   Sep 29

ENGLISH 11 – 1.3/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues

  1. Miss Brill” – p. 57-63 – Reading Quiz, Qs #3-8, Story Map sheet
  2. Figure out your Narrative Presentation groups (grps of 3) and pick your top choices for topics
  3. Watch and read the lyrics to this song because we’re going to be talking about the song and “Miss Brill” —> Click here —> “Brick by Boring Brick” AND “Miss Brill” video summary

   Sep 29

ENGLISH 8 – 1.4/2.3

HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues


  1. LP $15
  2. Notebook – glue/tape in the worksheets. Complete the title page.
  3. Flashcards – (total of 6 cards) All the CHARACTER terms on the blue Narrative Terms handout – Protagonist, Antagonist, Round, Flat, Static & Dynamic
  4. Setting Pkg – Poetry Sheet – Rhyme Time – finish writing in the rhyme scheme for the last 3 examples


  1. “Autumntime” – Reading Quiz
  2. Flashcards –(total of 6 cards) Rhyme Scheme, Assonance, Rhythm, Onomatopoeia, Protagonist & Antagonist
  3. LP $15
  4. Notebook – glue/tape in the worksheets. Complete the title page.

   Sep 29

ENGLISH 9 – 2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Tuesday

  1. Journal #1 – My Values – 2nd draft (p.7).  Make revisions – rearrange order, add, remove, improve sentences & vocab.  For those of you who didn’t do the outline and/or 1st draft, you need to complete BOTH and have someone edit your 1st draft in your notebooks in order to catch up with the homework you were assigned
  2. Watch the following videos to help you think about friendship  —> click here —> Values vs. Goals focused life AND Friendship & Vulnerability AND The Purpose of Friendship
  3. Values pkg -“Friendship” – read, highlight, write in notes, do the question in the reading AND do the following Qs on a separate page:
    1. What is your definition of a friend?
    2. How are YOU a good friend to others (according to your definition)?
    3. Give examples for each of Aristotle’s 3 types of friends (usefulness, pleasure, moral goodness).
    4. Are you all 3 types to anyone?  2 types?  Describe and explain.  Is anyone all 3 types for you?  2 types?  Describe and explain.


   Sep 28

ENGLISH 10 -1.1/1.2

HOMEWORK: Due Monday

BLOCK – 1.1-

  1. Lit Circle role sheet for the poems
  2. The Friday Everything Changed” – Read, highlight, write in notes, look over the Qs
  3. Get and bring a NOTEBOOK to use for your journal responses

BLOCK 1.2 – 

  1. Get and bring a NOTEBOOK to use for your journal responses
  2. The Friday Everything Changed” – Read, highlight,  write in notes, do the Qs (note form) at the end of the story.