Ms. H. Aulakh

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   Dec 12

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3

HOMEWORK: Due Friday

  1. LP – Unit #2 – Review pages – do this in multiple steps: 1. Do all the questions you know without any help 2. In a different colour, look back to the lessons and finish all the questions you skipped in step 1. 3. In class, using a third colour, mark and correct all of your answers. LP Unit #2 Test next week: Thursday.
  2. Ted Talk: Why listen to people you disagree with
  3. Critical Thinking and Advertising: Find at least 1 ad or commercial that you can share with the class to have them analyze what is really being sold. We will watch the commercials, and you will decide if it’s a 1 (Great evidence to purchase the product) down to a 4 (irrelevant or terrible evidence of the product).
  4. Watch these commercials to get an idea of what commercials to look for:
    1. YSL perfume
    2. Old Spice cologne
    3. Hyundai Car
    4. Mercedes AMG
    5. McDonald’s
    6. Subway

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