Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   May 24

ENGLISH 11 – 1.3/2.2

HOMEWORK: Due Monday

  1. NIGHT – Personal response paragraph – a specific passage that shows the darker side of human nature, etc.
  2. Journal #8 – Fear & Love AND #9 – Survive
  3. Group Discussion Question – Jigsaw – you will be teaching your question to others next class.  Make sure you have good info and feel comfortable with what you have.  Treat your topic like an essay – PEE on it – give you point, evidence from the book, and explain how it all connects. Other than your group, none of the others will have any real understanding of your topic, so TEACH, don’t tell. Group #6 & 7 – here’s the Ted Talk to add to your info —> Holocaust Deniers 1 . 
  4. Block 1.3 – those people who were absent here this is your discussion Q # – Janna #2, Geetika #3, Jamina #4, Baldeep #5. The questions at the back of your package – Contemporary Classics Discussion Questions.
  5. Block 2.2 Joseph #4 Style AND Ezequiel #5 – Title

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