HOMEWORK: Due Wed Field trip form & $9 Compassion essay – complete the essay outline sheet You will be writing your 1st draft in class, so come prepared with PEN and paper Your outline will be collected with your essay $10 – Language Power Now Review Narrative terms
Read the rest of this entry »Feb 10
Feb 04
ENGLISH 10 – 2.4
HOMEWORK: Due Thurs “Just Mercy” – field trip form and $9!! “Just Mercy” movie trailer TKAM – project presentation 3-5 mins, loud, clear, appropriate expression, eye contact, prepared, good pace. Describe your object – what is it, why is it those colours, etc. Connect and explain with EVIDENCE from the NOVEL: To a character – […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oct 18
ENGLISH 11 -1.1/2.4
HOMEWORK: Due Mon/Tues NIGHT – Vocab words for chp. 1-4 Journal #3 – “suicide/murder” $5 – for VHEC workshop on Nov. 7/8th Block 1.1 – Field trip forms for Nov. 15th Remembrance Day project DUE NEXT WEEK – Thurs/Fri
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