HOMEWORK: Due Tues/Wed
- Journal #9 – Discuss how your family has impacted your personality and identity.
- POV sheet – be prepared to share your group’s ideas on how the POV you had impacted the story about the Ant & Grasshopper. Consider what we know and feel about both Ant and Grasshopper in your particular POV of the story.
- “Everyday Use” –
- Reading Quiz
- Questions as much/many as you can
- Story Map – do as much as you can
- Narrative Terms – review for quiz
- Identity Project – Pt. 3 – Looking back – Rough draft – due Thurs/Fri
- Here are some links for ideas for one of the assignment options
- Late work – for those of you who haven’t handed in Pt.1 or Pt.2 Identity Project rough drafts, you still CAN and MUST