Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Dec 10

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. LP #24
  2. Sentences Quiz Friday – S, CP, CX, CP-CX
  3. CP Sentences: FANBOYS
  4. Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
  5. Values Pkg
    1. Highlight! Watch the videos below to prepare for class
    2. Read the Critical Thinking intro. Watch the videos below to prepare for class
      1. What is Critical Thinking and Why is it so important?
      2. What is Critical Thinking?
      3. Intro to Critical Thinking Longer & more complex ideas
    3. Read & do qs/activities for #31 – communicating #32 – others’ opinions
    4. You do NOT have to do the further thought qs, just the Qs within the reading

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