- LP $15 & Notebook
- Notebook:
- Leave 1st page, both sides, blank – skip it. This will be the Table of Contents. We will set it up together next class.
- Next page = p.1 at the bottom AND is the title page: My Values & Code of Conduct
- BACK of p. 1 = p.2 at the bottom AND skip it, leave it blank, we will be sticking a worksheet here
- Next page = p. 3 at the bottom AND is BRAINSTORM VALUES – brainstorm a list (as many as possible) of YOUR personal values
- Now that we’ve discussed what values could be and what are should be for class, consider what you think are important personal values for yourself: your personal code of conduct.
- Also brainstorm WHY for each of the values
- Here are some videos that might help you brainstorm about your values –