Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Dec 05

ENGLISH 9 – 1.3


  1. LP #23-24
  2. Fake News – BBC Real or Fake Worksheet: Double spaced!! Write a short news type story (15-20 good, varied sentences). Your story should be fiction, but you MUST include 3 actual facts. This story should not be mean or negative towards another student or person in general. The idea is to see how easy it is to make up a fake news story and how hard it is to tell the facts from the fiction. Example headlines: Senior Boys’ Bball team loses by 1 point because the team was blackmailed. OR J.O. History 1995: Students lighting fireworks, burn down east wing of school OR Frustrated teacher pushes student out of first floor window!

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