Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Jan 04

ENGLISH 10 – 1.1/1.2


  1. Identity Project – presentation – follow the instructions here ===> Personal Identity Project. Yes you can (and should?) have notes/cue card for the presentation.  I will be evaluating your oral communication/presentation skills: VOICE- loud, clear, expressive, good pacing BODY: eye contact, expressive, but not distracting use of hands or body.
  2. Finish your independent reading book & be prepared to share your opinions of it in class on Jan. 11th
  3. Identity Unit TestJan. 15th
  4. Test prep Kahoot Quizzes – You were given 2 readings & were asked to come up with 10-15 Qs from those stories looking at narrative techniques and themes as a way to prep for your unit test.  DUE ASAP! or Jan. 9th.
  5. Here are Kahoot links that your peers have already created to help you study ===> Quiz #1Quiz #2, Quiz#3- “So What … Anyway?” & “The Friday…Changed”
  6. FYI – These links may not work because of your age!  Arjun just informed me that you can’t make your quizzes public if you’re under 16 (which is a great safety measure that I wish applied to all social media!).  But please give them a try and if they don’t work, we’ll figure it out in class. But PLEASE do send me your links anyway so that it’s hopefully easier in class because I’ll have all the links.

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