Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Nov 25

ENGLISH 9 – 2.1

HOMEWORK: Due Tuesday

  1. LP #11-16 (sentences) #29, 41, 32 (nouns, pronouns, verbs)
  2. Notebook: Journal #5 – Critical Thinking – What is it?  Why is it important?  Using your new and improved outline (p.33), write your 1st draft on p. 34-35.  This is a double spaced, multi-paragraph response with a H.I.T intro, a strong PEE on it body, and a good, thoughtful conclusion.  You can use any of the examples we discussed in class or others to prove your ideas.  FOCUS: essay structure AND sentences – proper sentences & variety of sentences (LP).
  3. CANley Cup – Foodbank donations!!!

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