Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Nov 23

ENGLISH 9 – 2.1


  1. LP #14, 15, 16
  2. Journal #5 – Critical Thinking Outline – add to and change your ideas using what you watched and discussed in class
  3. Find at least one example of your own to share with the class – it can be a video ad, written, or anything else that would be an example of WHY THINKING CRITICALLY IS IMPORTANT. Make sure you can share it with the class – so have the link or paper with you.
  4. Watch the rest of these ads and follow what we did in class: Watch, rate (#1-4), have reasons WHY.  Try to figure out what techniques are being used to sell the product ex. humour, story, celebrity, etc. Be ready to share your ratings and reasons in class.  Click here ===> Mountain DewPepsiPerfumeBody Spray – NEW ADS
  5. Here are the ads you watched in class if you want to review them —> SodastreamNeutrogenaBMW 1BMW 2Tim HortonsMcDonald’sActiviaDior Perfume

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