Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Jun 04

ENGLISH 11 -1.1/2.4

HOMEWORK: Due Wed/Thurs/Fri

  1. Block 2.4 – 
    1. The Lady, or the Tiger” – read, highlight
      1. Do ALL the Qs including POV
      2. Reading Quiz
      3. Story Notes/Map sheet for “Totem” & “Just Lather” will be collected
  2. Block 1.1
    1. Project/Presentation groups – you need to tell me who’s in your group!! 
    2. Just Lather, That’s All”
      1. Reading quiz
      2. All Qs, vocab, T/F, AND Qs in IRONY section
      3. Story MAP – the plot graph side
    3. For Friday
      1. The Lady, or the Tiger” – read, highlight
        1. Do ALL the Qs including POV
        2. Story Notes/Map sheet for “Totem” & “Just Lather” will be collected
        3. Story NOTES side of the sheet for this last story

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