- “I Am Here Today Because I Am Gay” Speech – read & highlight
- Here are some videos to watch & consider regarding Identity & Ellen Page’s speech — click here —> Ellen Page Speech AND Ellen on Ellen AND Mini Movie: Imagine a World Where Being Gay was the Norm AND Ted Talk: Morgana Bailey AND Ted Talk: Geena Rocero AND Ted Talks: Grace James AND Ted Talks: Sabah Choudrey
- Make sure you have a partner to stay with for your New Lit Circles, unless you don’t care who you’re with.
- Good Copy Journal – follow the handouts on structure & consider the writing rubric. Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font – MLA format – follow the handout AND click the Eng 10 tab above, scroll down to writing resources, click and use the MLA format & Example to set up your journal. Oh, and Haseeb, notice on the English 10 tab are the formats for the poems you were asking about! 😛
- Armin!! You did come in at lunch!!!!!!