Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   May 23

ENGLISH 9 – 2.4


  1. Fahrenheit 451 – worksheet – Theme – finish!
  2. Vocabulary – for each of your 6 words, write out the definition in your own words (you can use synonyms) and then write a sentence using the word.  The sentence should be connected to the definition and you need to leave a blank space where the word should go. Ex. Happy – When I do well in class I feel ___________ and joyous. In total you will have 6 definitions and 6 sentences.
  3. Project due May 29th 
  4. Complete all Qs in the Qs pkg.
  5. If you were absent, you need to BRING A NOTE and see me ASAP for your vocab words and to write your quiz.


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