Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   May 19

ENGLISH 10 – 1.3/1.4


  1. BLOCK 1.4 If you want your last quiz back in order to study, come see me asap.  Lester & several others, see me asap to get the novel Qs package back so you can study for the novel test. 
  2. Novel return!  Bring your books to class so I can collect them from you.
  3. TKAM – Test Prep – May 24th – 100 Qs:  Matching – Character info; T/F – plot, characters; Multiple Choice – setting, character, conflict, plot, themes; Multiple Choice – quotes & character
  4. Here are some of the links again to help you prepare for the test —– —-—> TKAM Sparknotes, enotes – TKAM Summaryenotes – Charactersenotes – ThemesCrash Course – TKAMCrash Course – TKAM – Race, Class, Gender

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