Ms. H. Aulakh

Hello world! Welcome to my school blog.

   Mar 01

ENGLISH 9 – .24

HOMEWORK: Due Friday

  1. The Murderer” – Read, do Qs. #1-10, Reading Quiz
  2. AND BONUS!! Here’s a TV episode (ironic) of “The Murderer” TV Episode R. Bradbury Theater
  3. Class PosterGrp #2 “The Pedestrian” you’ll get to share your ideas.  Group #3– “The Murderer” start brainstorming ideas.
  4. Journal #3 – “The Pedestrian” – Topic: See previous post- use the Journal Structure sheet to ensure you have all the parts of the paragraph needed.  I’ve included notes and an example of a possible paragraph for this journal.  Check it out –> Journal The Pedestrian

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