Genetics ~ Introduction via ASAPScience

Today I’d like to introduce you to the world of genetics. A huge topic all about you, how you’re made, your personality traits, even how you behave and react. The secrets of heredity were discovered in the molecule called DNA in 1953 with Watson and Crick. But what are genes? Is everyone’s DNA the same? What about or 23andMe? My eyes, my widow’s peak, the folding of my hands and the fact that I might be bald is genetic? Seriously?! And what are GMO’s??? for some chem review, jeopardy style!

If you haven’t already done so, please sign up/register for Moodle as most of the Genetics course is located here, under Sommerfeld Science 10.

I had an interesting roommate who told me he had sickle cell anemia. I didn’t know what it was so I decided to look it up. His genetics were mutated at one point, leading to irregularly shaped red blood cells. Take a look:

Science 10 Upcoming dates/activities

Image result for dna bracelet

Today the Band members missed “DNA Bracelets”, please ask your study buddy about it, and come by Tues at lunch to make yours! Don’t worry, the image above is wayyy cooler than what we did, maybe Ms Lee or Ms Gabelman can help you with that 😉

Friday May 3rd, Open Book Test (again, ask your study buddy about what we did today, including marking pages 7 and 8 in the workbook and ensuring you’ve done page 9 for the open book test (Friday April 26th) and get caught up, the Test is open book and you might need some of the stuff we did today).