
November 2024

SS 9 and SS 10 Final Exam Date change

SS 9 Final Exam will take place during the double block week:

1-4 = Tuesday June 13 @ 8:35 am


1-3 – Thursday June 15 @ 8:35 am


SS 10 Final Exam will take place during the double block week:

1-2 = Tuesday June 13 @ 12:20 pm


1 -1 = Thursday […]

SS 9 Hwk May 30

Please start Review Sheet; complete readings pg 170-176…….

Completed in class:

Important People 1,2 Main Ideas #1 Comprehension #1-4

Complete @ home:

Read pg.177-182 Important People #3-5 Main Ideas #2 Comprehension #5-7

Start completing the crossword as you complete each section of reading ……

SS 9 Hwk May 17

Please complete Review Sheet: Important People + Main Ideas and Concepts ………

Due Date: May 19 Friday

Friday you have some class time to complete Comprehension section

with some videos o Louis Riel ……


Final Exams Dates

Socials 9 and Socials 10 Final Exams will be Monday June 19

Any changes will be communicated through class and posted to the blog …..

*As May 15 there are a total of 10 blocks left before the Final Exam*

A review block will take place during the Double Block week

June 12-15 prior […]

SS 9 Chapter 4 Test

Chapter 4 test: Friday May 19


SS 9 Hwk May 3

Please complete chart of Fur trading posts to current cities for H.B.C and N.W.C. — use atlas or google maps with your maps or pg 131/133 of textbook….

Due Date: May 9 Tuesday

Please create a summary of the Metis people that talks about their background and significant things they did…..

Create a second summary […]

SS 9 Hwk April 27

Please read pg. 139-146 and create 2 webs: “The Metis and The Colony of the Red River”

Due May 1 Monday

Please complete maps: Hudson Bay and NorthWest Fur Trading Company 1820 …… pg 131/133

you must include trading posts and highlight rivers in blue….

include a Legend / Title and North Arrow the Legend […]

SS 9 Hwk April 25

Please read pg 130-136 (Ch. 4) “The NorthWest in 1800″……

Please create your own notes; Main Idea and Supporting Details…….

Due Date: April 27 Thursday

SS 9 Ch. 2 Test April 25

Test Chapter 2: Anything from Chapter 2 can be tested ……

Some things to review in the text and your notes/questions:

Understanding the Church during Victorian Era, Victorian outlooks, obsessions, entertainment, medicine — surgeons, 19th century transportation, newspapers, 1846-47 — Repealing of Corn Laws, Lord Elgin’s actions Rebellions advantages and contributions to Confederation Manifest Destiny, […]

SS 9 Hwk April 19

Please read pg 80-88 ……..

Be prepared for discussions on:

Fenian Raids The Conferences BNA Act: Compare Powers of National Government and Provincial Legislatures

** Study for bold terms quiz (Ch.2 pg 73-88) for

Friday April 21 **