
October 2024

Weight Training Unit

Please create a post on your self reflection during the Weight Training unit. The reflection should include topics on:

  • Personal Awareness and Responsibility; attendance & punctuality, listening…on-task always focused, activity level/exertion, helps with clean up
  • Physical Literacy;
  • Movement/ proper Technique / use of machines / free weights
  • Safety


Please refer to the PHE 9 Block home page for further self assessments points and explanations …….

Socials 9 Chapter 4 Test

Chapter 4 Test Monday May 28 – 

Last 5 blocks will be spent on Chapter 5 ……. this material will be on Final Exam June 15th

Socials 9 Final Exam

Socials Final Exam is June 15th: 

Please bring 2 pencils and eraser and the text book to hand in before the exam …… Textbook collection will happen before the exam …… Thank you.

100 multiple choice questions 

  • Chapters 1-5 Horizons text:
  • Please complete all Review Masters for these chapters ……
  • Areas of focus : to be posted and/or discussed in class at a later date ……

Socials 9 Hwk March 6

Please complete questions pg. 59 1,2a.b.,3…….

And read pg 67 -72 please create notes or webs for each section……..

Due Thursday March 8 

Socials 9 Hwk Feb 8

Please read pg. 115-121 and draw Figures 3-21 pg. 117 and Figure 3-31 pg. 118…….

Quiz on Tuesday Feb 13 on the two diagrams (Figures 3-21 and Figures 3-31)

P.H.E. 9 Blocks 1-3, 1-4 Quiz

Quiz on Benefits of “Being Physical Fit” and “Stretching….”

Date: Thursday Feb 8

Total marks: 20

P.H.E 9 Blocks 2-1, 2-2 Quiz

Quiz on Benefits of “Being Physical Fit” and “Stretching….”

Date: Thursday Feb 8 

Total marks: 20

P.H.E 9 ( Blocks 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2)

All P.H.E 9 blocks will create a collage for the “Benefits of Physical Fitness” with key words you underlined in the package …….Things to include on the collage:

  • pictures (colour?….0r black and white or mixed, you pick)
  • key words from the 13 Benefits…..
  • title
  • partner’s first and last names
  • Due Date: Tuesday Feb 13  

Mark breakdown:

Pictures/Visuals (appropriate) = 25 marks

Key words and Title = 15 marks

Creativity = 10 marks

Total marks = 45 marks

Socials 9 Mid-Term Exam

The Mid-Term Exam  will take place on February 6;

Part 1:

80 multiple choice questions

Chapters: French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, American Revolution, Chapter 1 (Horizons) to page 24, and Chapter 3 (Horizons) to page 111……..

Please create a “Cheat Sheet” double sided for bold terms and notes you have created from the above chapters…… as well as related assignments and questions ……

Please use the Review sheets and Crosswords for each section, except the Horizons designated readings……

Part 2:

Written/calculations/graphing = 

Climate graph, temperature/altitude calculation, and factors that affect temperature written

Socials 9 Hwk Jan.18

Please complete reading “Immigrant Experience” and complete:

pg. 22 #1,2 and three terms listed in the booklet in the box above……

Please complete Prince Rupert’s Climate graph on pg.105

First page of Activity Sheet 3-5 (question 1,2) : Effects of Altitude on Temperature

Due Date: Monday Jan. 22