John Oliver Secondary School Ms Ink

Archive for November, 2017

Thursday November 16

2-1 S.S 8: We will be doing walking note taking – I will have printed out information all over the room. You will be going around in groups and taking notes on everything that I have up on the walls. Afterwards, you will be choosing two famous people from the Renaissance to study on their historical significance. There will be a worksheet to fill in – you talk about one person on the front side of the worksheet and the other person you’ve chosen on the backside.

Homework: Historical Significance worksheet – both sides. You need to choose two famous people from the Renaissance and fill in the worksheet on how they are historically significant. Due Monday, November 20.

2-4 ELL S.S: I handed back your rough copies of your letters and diary/journal entries. Use those to write your good copies. Your letter, diary/journal entries and creative piece (drawing or song or poem) are due at the beginning of class on Monday, November 20. Remember to meet in our regular room on Monday!

2-3 ELL Reading: Our last five people will be reading their current event article out loud to the class to practice reading. Then, we will be finishing the rest of the exercises from our workbook.

  • Pg. 34 #1-10
  • Pg. 35 Exercise A
  • Pg. 36 Exercise B
  • Pg. 37 Exercise C
  • Pg. 38 Exercise D
  • Pg. 39 Exercise E and F
  • Pg. 40 Questions under Activity B
    • When and where does the story take place?
    • What is the problem for the two main characters?
    • What is the solution?
    • Where are the main characters at the end of the story?
    • What is the surprise ending?
    • What makes the ending scary?

All of this is due at the beginning of class on Monday, November 20. Remember, if you don’t finish you will have to come in at lunch on Tuesday to finish it up.

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Wednesday November 15

1-2 S.S 8: We will begin with our entrance slip that will be using your knowledge you learned from our jigsaw activity last class. You will be able to use your notes. Afterwards, I will be giving a mini lecture on the Great Artists of the Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance. We will also be talking about what makes a person or event historically significant. Then, you will have to fill in both sides of a worksheet about historical significance.

Homework: Historical Significance worksheet – both sides. You need to choose two famous people from the Renaissance and fill in the worksheet on how they are historically significant. Due Friday, November 17.

1-1 S.S 8: We will be doing walking note taking – I will have printed out information all over the room. You will be going around in groups and taking notes on everything that I have up on the walls. Afterwards, you will be choosing two famous people from the Renaissance to study on their historical significance. There will be a worksheet to fill in – you talk about one person on the front side of the worksheet and the other person you’ve chosen on the backside.

Homework: Historical Significance worksheet – both sides. You need to choose two famous people from the Renaissance and fill in the worksheet on how they are historically significant. Due Friday, November 17.

1-3 S.S 9: I will be giving a mini-lecture on Women during the Industrial Revolution as well as the Environmental Impacts of the Industrial Revolution. Afterwards, I will be giving you the instructions for our new unit project – Industrial Revolutions around the world! We will be choosing our groups and picking the country we are going to study.

Project instructions: Industrial Rev Final Project

Project Assessment: Global Industrial Rev Project Rubric

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Tuesday November 14th

I hope you all had an awesome long weekend!

2-2 S.S 8: We will begin with our entrance slip that will be using your knowledge you learned from our jigsaw activity last class. You will be able to use your notes. Afterwards, we will be talking about what makes a person historically significant. Then, you will be given the rest of class to work on these questions:

Read pg. 225-228 and answer questions – Historical significance questions:

  • Why do you think Da Vinci is significant in history? Why do we care about him today?
  • What makes Michelangelo significant in history? Why do we still care about him today?
  • What makes Gentileshi significant in history? Why do we still care about him today

2-4 ELL S.S: We will be heading to the library to work on our voyageur project again. Remember, your two pieces of writing are due in rough draft form. I will edit them and hand them back to you on Thursday, where you can create your final copies.

2-3 ELL Reading: We are doing our current events assignment today! Remember to bring an article to class, and everyone will be reading it out loud. Whoever we don’t get to will go at the beginning of next class.

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Thursday November 9

1-1 S.S 8: We will begin with our entrance slip that will be using your knowledge you learned from our jigsaw activity last class. You will be able to use your notes. Afterwards, we will be talking about what makes a person historically significant. Then, you will be given the rest of class to work on these questions:

Read pg. 225-228 and answer questions – Historical significance questions:

  • Why do you think Da Vinci is significant in history? Why do we care about him today?
  • What makes Michelangelo significant in history? Why do we still care about him today?
  • What makes Gentileshi significant in history? Why do we still care about him today

1-2 S.S 8: We are heading down to the auditorium for our Remembrance Day Assembly.

1-3 S.S 9: We will be watching an episode of The Fifth Estate that investigates clothing factories in Bangladesh. It is called “Made in Bangladesh”. I really want you to become more self aware about the clothes you buy – I want you to understand the implications of “fast fashion”. For homework, you must investigate the working conditions of one clothing company. Be prepared to share on Wednesday!

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Wednesday November 8

1-1 S.S 8: Today we are doing a jigsaw activity to learn more about the powerful thinking and rulers who lived during the Renaissance. I will be handing out a note package that needs to be completely filled in. Most you who finished it in class, but if you did not than briefly finish your notes at home as we will be writing an entrance slip next day and you can use those notes!

1-3 ELL Reading: I will be giving instructions for a current events article assignment. You will have to find a current events article online, print it out, and read it to the class on Tuesday November 14th. I will attach the instruction sheet below in case you lose yours. Then, we will be talking about Remembrance Day and why we celebrate it. After that, we will continue working on activities from our English, Yes! book. Once you are finished your activities you can look online for your current events article.


  • Vocabulary
  • Pg. 34 #1-10
  • Pg. 35 – Exercise A
  • Pg. 36 – Exercise B (New today)
  • Pg. 37 – Exercise C (New today)
  • Find your current events article, print it out, and bring it on Tuesday!

Current events article assignment: ELL Reading Current Events

1-4 ELL S.S: We will be working in the library again today on our historical perspective taking project. You must hand in your rough copy of your letter and your diary/journal entry to me at the end of class on November 14th. I am going to edit your work and give you some suggestions for improvement – then I will hand it back to you at the beginning of class on November 16th. You will have that class to create your good copies! Remember, the project is due on November 20th!

Marking rubric: Fur Trader Project Rubric

Project instructions: HIstorical Perspective Taking Project

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Tuesday November 7

1-1 S.S 8: Today we are doing a jigsaw activity to learn more about the powerful thinking and rulers who lived during the Renaissance. I will be handing out a note package that needs to be completely filled in. Most you who finished it in class, but if you did not than briefly finish your notes at home as we will be writing an entrance slip next day and you can use those notes!

1-2 S.S 8: Today we are doing a jigsaw activity to learn more about the powerful thinking and rulers who lived during the Renaissance. I will be handing out a note package that needs to be completely filled in. Most you who finished it in class, but if you did not than briefly finish your notes at home as we will be writing an entrance slip next day and you can use those notes!

1-3 S.S 9: Today we are watching the documentary “The Children Who Built Victorian Britain”. This documentary tells real stories, based on primary sources, about child laborers of the industrial revolution. It is sad and heartbreaking to hear many of these stories – but we must not forget that these horrible stories did not just happen in the past. They happen today too in many places around the world – next day we will watching another documentary that investigates a clothing factory in Bangladesh.

Child Labour Questions: Due next class!

  1. Using information from the video and the notes from class, describe the working conditions of children during the industrial revolution. Include 5 examples/stories from the video that you heard.
  2. What were the factory acts? How EXACTLY did the factory acts improve the lives of working people? (Pg. 150)
  3. What were the downfalls of the factory acts? (Pg. 150)
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Monday November 6th

1-1 S.S 8: Introduction to the Renaissance! Students will be writing guided notes while I give a brief talk about why the Renaissance began in Italy. We will be focusing most on Italy’s geographic importance. We will be starting an assignment in class today where students must write a letter to their friend in Germany and fill in a map.

Homework: Geographic Importance assignment Due November 7

Assignment instructions: Italian Map Assignment

1-3 ELL Reading: We are going to be reading a current events article about plastic pollution in the ocean, and then we are going to brainstorm some ways to reduce plastic pollution. Afterwards we are going to read our new story “The Envelope” and then work on these things:

  • Vocabulary from the story (Motel, Offer, Refuse, Chat, Early, Town, Ruin, Burn)
  • Pg. 34 – questions 1-10
  • Pg. 35 – exercise A
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Friday November 3

1-1 S.S 8: Introduction to the Renaissance! Students will be writing guided notes while I give a brief talk about why the Renaissance began in Italy. We will be focusing most on Italy’s geographic importance. We will be starting an assignment in class today where students must write a letter to their friend in Germany and fill in a map.

Homework: Geographic Importance assignment Due November 7

Assignment instructions: Italian Map Assignment

1-2 S.S 8:

Introduction to the Renaissance! Students will be writing guided notes while I give a brief talk about why the Renaissance began in Italy. We will be focusing most on Italy’s geographic importance. We will be starting an assignment in class today where students must write a letter to their friend in Germany and fill in a map.

Homework: Geographic Importance assignment Due November 7

Assignment instructions: Italian Map Assignment

1-3 S.S 9: Students will fill in guided notes as I give a brief talk about transportation and factory life during the industrial revolution. Then, we will be doing a simulation of an assembly line to see what it felt like to work in a factory as well as what the quality of products were like. What are the pros and cons of cottage industries and factories??

No homework! 

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Thursday November 2

2-1 S.S 8: Gallery walk to present our ancient civilization project. We will be filling in our peer review sheets. As well, we are going to do a 3-2-1 review that goes over what we learned from our fellow classmates projects. New unit on the Renaissance starting next day!

2-3 ELL Reading: We will start with reading a current events article about Daylight Savings Time – the history of it and who in the world participates in it. Do you do daylight savings time in your home country? Do you like it? Do you not like it? Then we are going to be learning more about possessive pronouns – I will give you some instruction on possessive pronouns and then you will be filling in some worksheets to practice using possessive pronouns.

Worksheet package due next class – Monday, November 6.

2-4 ELL S.S: We are meeting in the library today to start working on learning how to do research, paraphrase and not plagiarize. This will lead into our project coming up!

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Wednesday November 1

1-1 S.S 8: Gallery walk to present our ancient civilization project. We will be filling in our peer review sheets. We did not have time to do our 3-2-1 review so we will begin with it next class.

1-2 S.S 8: Gallery walk to present our ancient civilization project. We will be filling in our peer review sheets. As well, we will complete a 3-2-1 review that goes over what we learned from our classmates projects.

1-3 S.S 9: Shark Tank presentation day!! The Sharks will be in the building to listen to each groups presentations about their invention from the industrial revolution. The Sharks will decide on one invention that they will be investing in! Should be a very fun class 🙂

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