2-1 S.S 8: We are working in the library again on our Renaissance Fair project. It is day 3/5 for the project! I am going to be checking your notes as they should be completely finished. You should be spending the class writing your 3 mini-biography paragraphs, along with doing your ranking of your 3 people and explaining why you ranked number 1 as the best/greatest/most significant person IN YOUR OPINION! While explaining your ranking please remember to use phrases like “I believe” “I think” “I agree with” etc. Next class, I will be collecting all of your writing, along with your notes so I can go through them and edit. It is very important you have all of your writing completed! Monday and Wednesday will be dedicated to working on the piece of work that you are reproducing – please bring all of your materials that you need for this. If you feel like you are behind, please complete more of your project for homework over the weekend.
2-4 ELL S.S: We are going to be finishing up watching our Crash Course video about the Industrial Revolution. As we watch, we will finish up answering our questions on our worksheets. Then, we will be playing a game! Rock, paper, scissors war – two of you will face off with each other at the front of the room. Whoever loses rock, paper, scissors will have to answer a quiz question – then, they will be able to pick the next victim to go up and battle! After this game, we will finish up reading Pg. 115-118 and complete the 3 questions on Pg. 114.
2-3 ELL Reading: We will be reading a current events article about The Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Then, we will be working on the remaining activities in our workbook – they will be due NEXT CLASS (Tuesday, November 28).
- Pg. 44 #1-10
- Pg. 45 Activity A
- Pg. 46 Activity B
- Pg. 47 Activity C
- Pg. 48 Activity D
- Pg. 49 Activity E and F
- Pg. 50 – two questions at the bottom of the page.
While we are working on these activities I am going to be doing testing with each of you individually. I am going to be testing you on reading out loud. Starting Monday, we are all going to be doing daily reading out loud each week and tracking our progress!