Why would you choose the Odyssey Program?
Accelerated math & science, enriching activities, field trips, AP classes, and being in a tight-knit group of like-minded individuals. If you like any of these things, then Odyssey is for you!
What makes Odyssey classes enriched?
In grade 8, Odyssey students will be in all the same enriched classes together (excluding electives). Through the program, there will be activities like enriching field trips, Odyssey-related school projects, science fairs, and math contests. Additionally, students in the Odyssey cohort will be inspired by their hardworking peers to step out of their comfort zone.
What makes Odyssey math and science classes accelerated?
The grade 8 and 9 math and science curriculum will be completed in grade 8, allowing students to pursue senior math and science courses in grade 10.
What makes Odyssey students special?
Odyssey students are driven to work hard and succeed. Many discover a love for science and mathematics after taking on science fair and math contests. The wide array of AP courses is a perfect way for these students to continue pursuing their interests outside of the secondary school curriculum.
Do mini school students attend separate classes other than their own?
Odyssey is a program within the greater David Thompson Secondary School Community. As Odyssey students progress through high school, they will be able to pursue their own interests by taking elective courses beyond their Odyssey cohort, therefore, Odyssey students will have plenty of interaction with the general student body.
Is there a cost to this program?
Yes, there is a program fee. The fee covers the cost of the grade 8 hoodie, fieldtrips, guest speakers, etc. The fees vary by grade and activities that are planned for their year.
Can I take an advanced French class if I am a French immersion student?
Yes. Contact the school counselor or administrator for more information on taking the challenge exam for French.
Do you accept students from other grades in to the program?
Of course! If there are openings when students move away or join other programs, students can apply whenever a spot opens, regardless of what grade they are in. However, we do encourage that you apply in grade 8 so that you get the most out of our program.
I have questions regarding the AP courses, where can I get some information?
Contact dtap@vsb.bc.ca to reach our AP coordinator.
– Q & A created by Newgen Bao, grade 12 Odyssey student