Author: Jeff Spence

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Di Sc8 – Human Vision

How do humans see? What is inside your eye? Why do some people wear glasses? Are there different kinds of glasses? How does laser-eye-surgery “fix” your eyes? Telescope? Microscope? Radioscope? x-Ray? MRI? Assignment Today: Your blog post… What are your…

DiSc8 – Light Experiment

So you have your idea, it is cool and will show an interesting light concept. Tomorrow (jan 29) is the last class day for collecting your data. Next week monday we will put the book together. Remember you are to…

Corona University Sample Code

So, we have made a game. You even modified it to be more “your own”. Now you are thinking about an app for yourself. Here is a link to a million sample codes that you can use and modify.…

DiSc8 – SunPeaks Experiment

You assignment – Create, perform and report your findings (blog-writing, pics, video?) a cold weather experiment. Keep it simple. Choose something that interests you. Food? Water? Friction? Human Body? Ask a QUESTION that is testable. Devise a method to test…

Freezing My Butt Off

Freezing My Butt Off What is frostbite and how does it work? How do doctors “save” eggs and sperm for later? What is hypothermia? How does freezing warts work? I’ve seen frozen wood frogs return to life. Crazy cool. How…

Virus, Bacteria, Fungus

Part A – For viruses, bacteria and fungus write the definition steal a picture what size are they? How does it infect you? give 2 examples of each – include a link, deadlines…etc… Part B – The Wonderful World of…

Starting Corona on your own – Tutorials

Please follow this tutorial today:–mobile-21457 –call me over to view your work– You finished early? Here is a look at the next step… Ray Wenderlich tutorials (the game breakout)