1-2 S.S 8: I gave a lecture on The Counter Reformation while students filled in notes. Then, students were to complete a package where they had 4 primary sources to analyze and answer questions for, as well as one page of questions that could be answered using the textbook. It is very important students finish the research question where they find a present day conflict caused by religious differences. Homework package is due next class, Tuesday January 16.
Homework Package: Counterreformation Worksheet
Homework Package: Using information from the primary sources you analyzed
Counter-Reformation Notes: The Counter Reformation
1-1 S.S 8: I gave a lecture on The Counter Reformation while students filled in notes. Then, students were to complete a package where they had 4 primary sources to analyze and answer questions for, as well as one page of questions that could be answered using the textbook. It is very important students finish the research question where they find a present day conflict caused by religious differences. Homework package is due next class, Tuesday January 16.
Homework Package: Counterreformation Worksheet
Homework Package: Using information from the primary sources you analyzed
1-3 S.S 9: I gave a short lecture on The Enlightenment while students filled in notes. Then, students worked in groups to create a paper infographic on 3 of the main Enlightenment thinkers. No homework!